[¡] ''Love bites''

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[¡] = (B)Emilio x Tobias(T)

(16 is indeed the age of consent in Pennsylvania, don't be stupid and do your research before you call pedo.)

Today was August 5th, tobias's birthday, he was turning 16 today. Rudolph had started to warm up to Tobias a bit after the incident, yes, they were awkward but Tobias was just happy he was getting his friend back. It was the last class of today, after his class he went to go wait for his mom outside when halfway suddenly his feet came to a stop he glanced around , he felt as though he was watched. Tobias slowly turned around only to find Emilio was right behind him. Tobias jolted, taking a step back to catch his unbalanced self. "Oh!- sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Emilio waved nervously, Tobias narrowed his eyes at the older one, "What do you want, Emilio?" He grumbled, wanting nothing to do with him. "I-i heard it was your birthday, so I wanted to ask if I could m-maybe uh, t-take you somewhere fun?- if you want" Emilio looked at the ground, Tobias said he would take this into consideration when he got home, they departed as Emilio smiled with excitement.

Tobias entered the church, irritation oozing off of him in large waves as his many siblings greeted him, Mattias was the last one to say hello, Mattias was the only one Tobias was fond of, the only reasonable sibling that Tobias could turn to. After Tobias ate dinner and finished his homework he settled down in his bed, he thought long and hard about Emilio's offer, he knew he had limited time to think about it and after a while he found himself in his father's study trying to convince him to go out with Emilio.
"I expect you to be back by 8:00, Tobias. Do not disappoint me." Lucas said, Tobias fizzed with excitement "Thank you father." he dashed out of the study, shutting the door quietly and quickly freshened up, "Where are you going? Do you have a date, who's the lucky guy?" Tobias ignored Mattias, simply replying with a shake of his head, Mattias somehow convinced Tobias to take him with Tobias, while they made their way to the door his realization settled in, He had no idea at all where Emilio lived, Tobias searched his pockets for anything, remembering his father didn't trust him with any connection to the internet, "Are you looking for something, Like this?" Mattias held up a small phone, Tobias dropped his tense shoulders and huffed "Of course you get the phone.." he gently took the phone from Mattias hands, he walked off into the forest as Mattias sheepishly followed behind, Tobias tried to find out how to contact Emilio and somehow managed to get his number. Tobias accidentally pressed the call button ' hello ? Who is this?' Tobias shrieked, jumping back slightly dropping the phone, he picked it up cautiously and grumbled "How do you expect me to find you?" ' Oh, I was gonna go over there and stuff, so stay there I'll come to you, does that sound better?' Tobias rolled his eyes "Ugh, WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF NO WHERE IDIOT HOW WOULD YOU KNOW WHERE I LIVE?!" He said, narrowing his eyes as he realized his call had been declined. "Do you think he.. he like actually knows where we live?-" tobias turned around to Mattias who shrugged "To be honest, seems 10 times more romantic if he does." "For the last time I'm!- ...not interested in him." Tobias shook his head, suddenly he heard footsteps approaching "hh- holy lord above he knows where we live!!" Tobias jumped to his brother in fear "WHAT IF HE COMES INTO MY ROOM AT NIGHHTTT!!!?" Tobias wailed childishly, Mattias chuckled "I'm pretty sure he must live close by, plus dad would probably kill someone if you were gone!" Tobias glared at Mattias "The only thing he would kill is the burden of having me as a son" suddenly Mattias saw two glowing purple eyes, he crawled backwards as it neared the two, the figure became more clear and Mattias realized it must have been tobias's 'friend' "HOW DID YOU EVEN-" Emilio cut Tobias off "I know certain things." Emilio smiled, Tobias shuddered at how much Emilio could've known, he helped his brother Mattias off the floor, having knocked him over by flinging to his side earlier. They both followed behind emilio

Soon they got to Emilio's house, Tobias looked around the place, it's was plain but somewhat modern, it was certainly better than Rudolph's bright room. Emilio introduced him as Tobias wandered around, he stumbled upon Emilio's room, it was purple and dark, little to no lighting. He felt what he assumed to be a sense of comfort,
he heard the door close behind him he whipped around to see Emilio "Ah, hello there." he flicked on the dim light, he stayed his distance away from Tobias. "Sorry you had to see this mess over here, Im usually cleaner than this." Tobias glanced at the wall next to Emilio's bed, he honestly hadn't even seen it "You've got a nice room.." Tobias looked off to his side, the awkward situation "Do you like to read? There's some books over there." Emilio said with a small smile, I nodded, I did enjoy reading quite a bit. I picked up this strange, patterned purple composition book, Emilio seemed to react strongly to this "Oh! Uhm, please don't read that one-" he said, hr widened his smile, but this time it was more nervous than before. I furrowed a brow "Why, what's in it?" Emilio sweated, he stammered incoherently "Hm?" I narrowed my eyes, he seemed to get more tense and nervous. "Would it be so bad if I just read one page?" I said, about to turn the page "Please!- that's, private stuff.." Emilio frowned, I put down the book and picked out another, named 'You All Grow Up And Leave Me.' it seemed interesting, as I sat and read in silence I took note that it was a memoir of teenage obsession, I frowned "This book seems familiar.." I muttered "Oh, why? Have you read it before?" I shook my head putting it back where it went "No, it just seems like a similar situation." Emilio shrugged, after a few hours Emilio began acting strange.

"What's wrong?"

"Tobias, i-i.. I know it's, probably wrong to you but."


"I-... I think-"
"There's no easy way to say this, I think, i-i love you."

Tobias's eyes widened, he blushed, "I'd been writing about you in that book, I wanted to tell you but I didn't want to make things weird, weirder than they already are.. you could read it if you want but I understand if you don't see me as anything more than a stranger, or, a friend."

For some reason, I felt a cold chill shiver up my spine, I couldn't control my body, 'oh dear God.. no, why? Why here I could have solved this myself please, no-' I could only watch and hope he'd go away soon. ''Oh dear, I never knew you were such a creep. It's okay, I love myself a freak every once in a while~'' Emilio widened his eyes, he seemed concerned, as if he almost knew this wasn't Tobias "Tobias?-." Mr edburt smirked, he climbed onto Emilio's lap, wrapping his arms around Emilio's neck. Emilio turned red "Ah?- Tobias, I-.. A- are you sure?-" Emilio glanced around, Mr edburt nodded, something deep down told me that this was what I wanted all along,and yes I must admit I had been thinking of this for a long time, maybe for once Mr edburt is actually helping. On my own I would've never had the courage to talk to Emilio in a remotely romantic manner. maybe for once I didn't have to worry about something going horribly wrong.

Emilio stared in awe, we both had little to no experience, Mr edburt leaned into Emilio's neck, nibbled on the soft flesh, Emilio heated up, he winced at  the euphoric sensation of my teeth digging into his skin, leaving behind marks and small bruises. I could hear Emilio panting.

After a few minutes Emilio layed under me on his plain bed, the heat between us circulated through the air, an unbearable sense of ecstasy in the room.
(A/n, warning, horribly described smut ahead)

I watched the few minutes of the scene go down, he tried his best to keep quiet as Mattias was sleeping in the other room, the room filled with the moans of the taller boy and the rythmic sounds of skin on skin contact. What felt like an hour, but was most likely just a long minute, I regained control of my body again. My face turned a bright scarlet at the sight of Emilio like this, I removed myself from his entrance, we laid there in a awkward silence, it was way past 8:00 and there was no reason to go back now. All tobias knew was he was in for the worst beating of his life.

They suddenly heard Mattias yell from the other room, "WOO! GO TOBIAS!! GET YOURSELF A BOYFRIEND!!!"

Ok Jesus Christ I cannot explain the pyschical pain I had to endure while explaining that smut uh ya! Credits to Mr circus papa for his cool characters

(1565 words)

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