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I woke up to someone shaking me lightly. I turned around groaning, to see Sam smiling brighty.

"Morning sunshine." He said almost a little too happily.

"No. Sam just no." He smiled at me I returned a faint one.

"We got a job. Dean told me not to tell you but.." He didn't finish.

"Thanks Sam." I ruffled his hair.

"Hey! No. This took me 30 minutes this morning." I kind of just gave him the most shocked face ever.

"Oh my gwod. Your such a diva." I commented. Shuffling to the door, out to the hallway into the kitchen. I see Dean eating some bacon. I sneak behind him and take a piece. He glares at me. I move back to my room. Dean follows me. He leans on my doorframe looking at my body move around trying to find my leather jacket. He laughs at my frantic movements.

"Where is it!?" I say irritated. Dean laughed. I saw him holding up my leather jacket. I walked over and took it from him.

"So. Um. I just wanted to say goodbye." He says. I look at him then turn my back to him putting my leather jacket on, being careful with the tattoo.

"Bye." I said moving to my bed. Carefully sitting down. Dean sighed leaving the room. I moved off my bed, not feeling my actions, running towards Dean. He apparently heard me and turned around. I hugged his muscular torso, kissing him on the lips. I pulled away slowly.

"Hey, do me a favor. Don't get yourself killed." I smile letting him go. Then his face lit up.

"Or you come with us." Dean suggested.

"Thought you wanted to protect me." I said looking him in the eyes.

"I will. With you by my side." He says moving his hands to my hips.

"Wow. My protector. I guess I'll go." I said sighing, pushing his hands off my hips.

"I need to pack." I said moving to my duffel bag. He sighed sadly. I moved around packing my things for a couple minutes.

"BOBBY!! GOIN' ON A HUNT WITH DEAN AND SAM!! CALL IF ANYTHING GOES DOWN!" I yelled throughout the house. Echoing through the hallways.

"DON'T GET KILLED YOU IDJIT!!" Bobby yelled back. I laughed at him like it was obvious.

"KAY!!" With that I closed the door, my car still under lockdown as Dean calls it. I spent hours, and hours, trying to figure out what that man took from it. I got nothing absolutely nothing. I climbed in the back seat where I have been sitting for the last couple hunts. After hours of jamming out to old rock and roll tunes we soon made it to our destination. I opened the car door to see a rundown motel. I sighed, moving to the door. Jade trailing not so far behind. I opened the door revealing a small room the wallpaper pealing off.

"Just perfect." I whisper. I sat on the couch propping my feet up on the coffee table. Sam and Jade had got their own room, apparently they were moving up in their relationship. I remember having this conversation in the car about how Dean and I didn't want to hear them going at it.

Dean sat next to me. He smiled at how I kept my eyes on the TV. I flipped through the TV channels. I looked down at my hand because of a warmth on top of mine.

"Dean? What are you doing?" I asked quietly. He moved his hand to take the remote out of my hand.

"Bro!?" I scolded. He turned the TV off.

"I'm going to sleep." He said quietly moving to his bed.

"So what? I'm just going to shut my body down and sleep as well?!?"I said loud. Dean turned around and smirked. His arms out in an shrug. Throwing himself into his bed. I moved quietly around to my bed I was sleeping for the night.

A couple hours passed and I was still up. Dean was sound asleep and I didn't want to wake him. I moved to the couch tripping over Dean's shoes. Falling straight on my face. Making a loud thump.

"Ow." I said with pure pain. Dean jolted up tiredly pointing the gun at me.

"Electra?" He whispered tiredly.

"Dean. You left you shoes in the middle of the floor." I scolded. He laughed.

"Well then maybe you should have been sleeping." I pushed myself off the ground.

"Hey smartass I couldn't sleep." I spoke tiredly, and hastily. He threw his hands up in defense.

"I've been there. Come here. I'll help you sleep." I didn't move.

"Not like that. Unless you want me to mean it like that." He spoke wiggling an eyebrow at me.

"Uh. No thank you." He slowly got up made you sit on his bed. He made a cup of milk and put it in the microwave for a couple seconds putting chocolate mix into it. Stirring it fast. He moved the cup to me and I took it from him.

"I know the perfect cure." He stated.

"Of course you do Dean."I took a sip and yawned. He wrapped his arms around me taking the cup and placing it down on the nearby night stand. He laid down pulling me down with him. He started to hum.

"Is that Metallica?" I could feel that he smiled which meant a yes. I fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

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