fuck you Finn wolfhard (filler)

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Elenas point of view

It had been about 4 weeks since The Break-Up I hadn't gone back to school. I couldn't get myself to face him. The amount of times his words replayed in my head started to give me a headache. I didn't know my feelings would ever get heartbroken because of a boy. I thought I was Stronger Than This. I really thought I knew my worth. Finn always reminded me I was worthy. But that was probably more of his bulshit words. Who knew words could be so powerful. Especially his words words they affecttided me alot it was truly embrassing seeing Myself  go down like this. I didn't know what to make of myself anymore. But I should nt let him determine my future. I decide to put my education first I switched my classes and avoided all his classes. I didn't see him so my plan worked. That's was untill I heard his last day was today he was leaving for Atlanta Georgia. I wish that was the only thing I heard but eavesdropping got me back to the same time I had just come out of. I over heard Beverly talking with one of her minions. She was crying and saying she was so sad "Finny" was leaving after they had been making out and going on dates for the last 2 months. After doing some calculations I came to the conclusion that me and Finn were still together during that time. HE HAD CHEATED ON ME. I was more hurt than before. But I refused to let me go down again. I didn't want him to see me fail. The last time he saw me was at my worst after he "dumped my ass" (if you watch stranger things ily)

A/n here's some little shopping moment

I decided to get some new cloths to make me feel better. I need to go out if I stayed home I would probably stress eat.

Here are some outfits these outfits will be used for the story
If you don't like them you can image something else
These are just photos I found of Morgan lily aka the girl I'm using as Elena

Here are some outfits these outfits will be used for the story If you don't like them you can image something else These are just photos I found of Morgan lily aka the girl I'm using as Elena

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