new guy

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Elenas point of view

I had heard many people whispering about a new guy coming into our school today. I heard a bunch of girls saying he was from a wealthy well-known family. I heard rumors saying he was from Rome and came here on family business trip. I wish to make friends with him maybe. After all I didn't have anyone after Finn left. Buts it's okay I enjoy being alone it's peace ful.

Niocos point of view (ahhh yes omg finally hee here)

I was starting a new school today. I was always going from school to school. My dad was founder of one of the largest marketing companies. I didn't find there any point to make friends since I was probably going to move somewhere else in a matter of time.

As I arrived at school I received many glares from guys and smiles from girls. I never took notice in any girl since most seemed too creepy. They never left my side and most of them had boyfriends. Well there was this one girl at one of my middle schools that I've been to who caught my eye. She didn't socialize much but once we talk the more she became more open. And it wasn't true that she was boring that's what most people said about her.

Elena point of view
I was almost late to class. And I saw the principal walking next to at all guy with brunette hair color. The principal looked up at me and started walking towards me.

Principal =right
Elena =left

Excuse me aren't you supposed to be in class?

Oh yeah I'm just running a little bit late I was struggling to open my locker but I'm good now.

Is that so
Either way you know the policy we have about students being late to their classroom.
It's very disrespectful to the teachers the district has provided.

Yes I recall once again I'm truly sorry I'll be on time next time.

Yes you will and as a warning I'd like you to escort mister Govender Rossi  to his class.

Yes of course I understand

Elena =right
Nico= left

Hi I'm Niccolò Govender Rossi but you can call me Nico for short.

Okay Nico
Hii I'm Elena
Let me see your schedule we're already behind.

Oh yes of course here it is

Elenas pov

As I scan over his schedule I realize we have all of our classes together. I find myself smiling at this. He seems like a really nice guy and it's also a very good opportunity for me to make friends.

Hello looks like we have all of our classes together

Wait really that's great. I was hoping to make some friends.

Me too come let's go to class

As we walk into the class I feel eyes on me. I've never been used too much attention until me and Finn started to date. Personally never liked it. It made me feel like I was being watched all the time and people were judging me for anything and everything. The teacher says I can sit next to Nico.

Lunch time

A/n hello again don't forget to vote and comment to let me know your thoughts and opinions or if you have any suggestions. I am more than happy 2 add them into the story. Oh and just in case you don't remember what Nico is supposed to look like here he is

 Oh and just in case you don't remember what Nico is supposed to look like here he is

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Once againOnce again he is played by Lorenzo zurzolo

If you would like to imagine him as anyone else feel completely free to do so this is just how I pictured him.

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