First fight

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Waking up in Ramo's arms was the best feeling she had ever experimented. His breath was was warming Sibel's neck as his arms were slung around her. She pressed herself onto his chest, making Ramo's  embrace tighter. She rested her hands above his and tried to stop thinking about what just happened, while a big smile appeared on her face.

Ramo started to wake up too and kisses along her shoulders. When Ramo  was about to turn her to be able to kiss her, some awful ringtone interrupted them.
Don't, Ramo ordered once he found it was her phone making noises.sibel laughed and tried to reach for it, stretching her arm.
Lemme see who.... Sibel grabbed her phone as soon as she could, and answered it without looking who it was.
Yes? Sibel sighed. Ramo's hands were all over her. He was even breathing on her ear.
Hey, sibel! Do you want to watch a movie? I brought a popcorn and I'm outside your door. It was shaheen voice, Sibel thought immediately after listening to the first word he said.
Hey, shaheen! Sibel put some emphasis on his  name while looking at Ramo, trying to make him stop for just a few seconds. It didn't work. He was continually working on her neck, kissing her. Sibel sighed silently. I'm not at home right now... did something happen? She could hear it in his voice. He was kind of nervous.
I..... i just had a awful day and I wanted to spend it with you. But if you're not available, it's okay. I can.
No it's okay, i am coming. I'll be there in three hours cause i am in.... I'll tell you later. Just I'll be there okay? Sibel replied nervously too.As soon as she felt the loss of his touch, she knew he was gonna mad.
Are you okay? You sound weird and you're lost for words? That never happens to you. Shaheen was worrying now.
Yes I'm perfect. I'll see you in some hours so that we can talk, she answered to look at Ramo, who looked at her with crossed arms and an angry gaze on his face.
Okay bye sibel.
Bye shaheen, she ended the call.
Hey I know that what we planned, but... she started to say, with one hand caressing his arm.
There is no but, sibel! We said no interruptions!
He needs me! He is my best friend, Ramo! She tried to make him understand.
And I'm your boyfriend who you agreed to have  a weekend of " just us" with remember?
Stop it! Don't be sarcastic with me, sibel looking straight into his eyes.
Okay I'm goona pack up things,Ramo replied seconds after when they had both calmed down. He stood up and headed to the door.
But I don't want you to be mad! She followed him.
It's fine. Just go pack. He didn't even look at her and kept walking.
I am sorry..  she grabbed his hand and tried to make him look at her, but Ramo took her hands off again.
You being sorry doesn't solve this. I planned  a whole weekend with things to do, food, sunrise, and us! You can spend every day with him, but you can't with me. This was the place where we didn't have to be hiding. This is our moment! He raised his voice. Just pack up your things and let's go.
We can do this another time. She grabbed his arm again, trying to stop him from leaving.
Yes sure, Ramo answered without any interest.
The ride home was quite. It wasn't filled with smiles, kisses, touches anymore. Ramo was concentrating in the traffic  and sibel was just looking thorough the window, thinking about how their special weekend turned into fight. Everything was silent. Silent until some noise from Sibel's stomach.
There's a place nearby where we can stop if you want to eat something, he suggested without looking at her.
Are you hungry too? She tuned her head to him.
Well if you don't mind stopping somewhere, that would be nice. She smiled at him. She missed him.
Sure, there's one in 10 minutes, he replied without any gesture. Sure he was still worrying about her even if they are mad, but not seeing him looking her at all hurts her.
Thank you, Sibel replied, caressing his arm. He just nodded.
Sibel was about to tell cashier what she wants once they got to the coffee shop when Ramo interrupted her.
Good morning! Can i ask you for two black coffees with two os sugar and a splash of vanilla and bagel, plz?
Sibel smiled at him in admiration. She couldn't help herself.
Yes sure! That will be 10.
Sibel was about to pay for it, but Ramo already did that.

She approached him, grabbed his hand, and resting her head on his shoulder.
I am sorry. She lifted her head a little to be able to look at him. He turned around to be fully in front of her and put his hands on her cheeks.
It's fine. I overreacted. I just wanted to spend more time with you. He smiled. God she missed that smile.
I know, me too! He leaned down to kiss her while his hands were still caressing her face. She circled his waist, trying to be closer to him.
The order is ready, a voice from the back made them separate.
Ramo grabbed the tray and guided them to a table.
After two more hours on route, they arrived at her place. Sibel had texted Shaheen a few minutes before arriving so that he would be there when she came.
You are tanned sibel! Where have you been? He asked as soon as he saw her.
Hey , shaheen! How are you? I am fine, thanks!
Sibel replied in a sarcastic way.
I am sorry, sib.... come here. Shaheen pulled on her arm to hug her.
So what happened ? She asked, breaking the embrace and opening the door of her apartment.
I received panel's law grade..... i got a D.
Ohhhh  shaheen. I am so sorry. Sibel caressed his arm.
I don't wanna talk about it, let's watch a movie. He went to the kitchen to grab some popcorn.
As you wish. Sibel headed to the couch. What do you want to watch?
Put a horror movie on, she nodded .
Sibel can I borrow your charger? My phone is about to die.
Sure! It's in the bag i left in my room.
Thank you.
shaheen disappeared for a few seconds to grab it.
Shaheen do you wanna watch annabelle because.......
What is this? Shaheen asked from the back, heading towards her.
What is what? She replied turning around to understand what he was talking about.
What is my brother shirt doing in your bag Sibel?
A/N: I know i am evil😬😬
Precap( truth revealed)

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