Togather Forever

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Three years later

So many things changed once Sibel finished university year ago. Finally, Her and Sibel could see each other in public and not be afraid of the consequences. It made their relationship way easier , but still they had a lot of things to work out. Ramo learned that she hates a when he leaves the toothbrush on the sink, or when he throws his clothes everywhere and doesn't put them in the closet. Sibel learned that Ramo gets mad when she  gets out bed without waking him up and that he loves when she makes him coffee.

At first it was weird because  they didn't know if seeing each other five days in a row was too much, or if it was a sudden move from him to invite her to his house every day. then  it started to be the most normal thing in the world. It wasn't worth a discussion if they were going to spend every moment together that they could. It was just a thing.

Once she finished university  she rented an apartment near his house and started to look for a job. The first place sent her resume, was Istanbul university because it would be a great opportunity for her to be working there and being able to see her boyfriend almost all day.
A month later she applied. They called her to confirm she had the job after a few interviews.
They  have talked of the possibility of moving together, but they didn't want to rush things. On the other hand, it was a waste of money having two places when they spent all day together.
Nehir and dogu,  they were still in a relationship, moved in together  a few blocks from university. They both were working at Corporate law firm, but not in the same one. They thought it would be a great idea to keep their distance but seeing each other at night.

When Sibel arrived home on Monday afternoon, ramo was already there waiting for her as he took the day off. He said he would cook something that they had to talk. Sibel didn't take it as if he would tell her bad news, but she has nervous anyways.
Hey honey, Sibel greeted ramo, walking into the house.
Hey, he smiled back at her.
Ohh, that smells really good! What's the occasion? She asked, approaching him.
Nice try, yildrim, but I'm not gonna tell you now, he said pulling her into his arms.
Come on!
We're gonna eat first, Ramo replied with a hand in her back, guiding her to the chair. Sibel sighed in resignation. Here, He put the food on table.
Chines food? It means you're happy, what happened? Sibel was excited.
I'm not gonna tell you now. He laughed while she pouted . Stop it ! He demanded once she started to look straight  at him.
Your eyes are kind of slanted, which means you were smiling all day. You didn't come to work today because you had to do some stuff, but you're not tired or stressed, or telling me about your day. You didn't clean the house or rearrange the furniture. What did you do? Sibel was  about to find out.
Ramo was tense because he didn't know what to do. There was no expressions to cover the truth.
I'll tell you later. Just eat.
Your keys aren't where i left them yesterday... you went out. The journal is in the living room. She gave him a confused  look for just a few seconds.
You bought us a place to live together! She screamed.
It was suppose to be a surprise, Ramo said, scratching his neck.
Ohhh, Aşkım,this is soo sweet. Sibel approached him and gave him a soft kiss, slinging her arms around his neck.
So is it a yes? He asked distancing a bit from her and resting his hands on her waist.
Do you even have to ask? She laughed and kissed him again. Tongues mingling  in each other's mouth, love filling the house.
"I love you Ramzan kaya."
"I love you Sibel Yildirim."
Few months later

The past few months had been pure,unadulterated bliss. Sue had realized the amount of happiness even made the ecstasy they had shared when she and ramo had first gotten together pale in comparison.

Standing near the stonewalled edge, she looked at the city blow when she sensed him approach, feeling his eyes rake over  her body and a grin appeared on her lips.
Ramo spotted sibel from a distance, her radiant beauty shining brightly under a crescent moon and thousands shimmer stars and he wasn't all surprised she turned around the moment his gaze landed on her frame. They had always felt each other's presence, even in a room full or people.
Tonight she wore a new dark blue stain dress that had a waterfall front. Her hair fell down her arms in long auburn waves and the colourful wrap she had draped over her arms added a touch of elegance very few women could pull off, but the accessory seemed made for her.
When ramo had gotten off from work, his driver had told him he had been instructed to take Ramo here. He wouldn't tell him who had given him the instructions, but Ramo had a preetty good idea. And here she was looking like a summer goddess, the wind whipping her dress and toying with her hair as it engulfed her in a sensual dance.
Suddenly the Armani three- piece he was wearing made him feel underdressed for whatever this was.
And what was the occasion? Had he missed any  anniversary? No it wasn't, so it had to be something else, but the fact he was drawing blanks unnerved him. No matter how extraordinary she looked tonight.
The moment their eyes locked, Sibel's smile lit up the terrace  of the opera hotel bosphorus and the air between them cracked as Ramo  drew nearer. She watched him close in, his jacket clutched in one hand, his sleeves rolled up, his stride eager, his eyes uneasy.
Without hesitation, he marched forward until his palms were on her waist and his lips brushed over hers for lingering kiss.
You look amazing, he beamed, pressing his fingertips into the soft stain covering her hips.
Hmmm, thank you, she replied, leaning up again for another kiss, her heart beating out of her chest from the nerves crawling up her spine. Kissing him always soothed her. And tonight was no difference.
So why did you want to meet me here? He eventually asked when the explanation wasn't offered.
The question was simple,to the point, and out of nowhere way to confrontational, causing her courage to waver, and her to turn in his arms, away from his inquisitive eyes.
Leaning into his body as he embraced her from behind, she closed her eyes,relieving in the sanctuary of the moment. I was thinking about our First date here and how magical that moment was.
Burying his face in her hair, he hummed in accordance.  It was preetty special.
That's why i picked this place,  she said.
Ramo wished he could look into her eyes and read what she was trying to say, desperate to know. For what? What could she possibly have to tell him? She definitely wasn't pregnant. Or she was? No way impossible.
I love you Ramo. No sooner than the words left her mouth was she facing him again.
I love you too  sibel, but what's going on?
Another breath.
I wanna marry you. She blurted out. Surprising herself. She frantically scanned his features. Shit this was not exactly calm and collected proposal she'd in mind when first coming up with this plan.
With his mouth slightly agape, he stared at her. You want to.....?
Now that the cat was out  of the bag, the remaining tension left her body on a sigh and she fingered a button of his shirt.
I wanted to marry you three years ago. And just because we didn't make it then, doesn't mean we shouldn't do it now. I have never been happier, Ramo, and I can't wait to add your name to mine. So I guess I'm asking you yo marry me.
Much better.
Hopeful eyes met his confused stare and he blinked twice. Trying to catch up to the moment.
To fill the awkward silence, she added, And I thought we could do it next week.
A puzzled frown contorted his features further. Excuse me?
You busy next Friday? She asked, teasing smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
Sibel. His warning was convincing enough that she relented from her teasing.
I sort arranged for our wedding to be next week, she confessed with a careful shrug. Like i said, I don't want to wait any longer.
Sibel watched an array of emotions flicker across his face, but still he failed to produce a sound.He wanted this just as much as she did, so she bravely continued. Everything is taken care of . Everybody will be there, Anne, shaheen, hassn abi, yenge, fetos, nehir ,Dogu everyone. All you have to do is say yes.
His lips crashed into her mouth with such force, she stumbled backwards,  thankfully his embrace kept her upright as her arms wrapped around his neck.
Ramo broke their connection, overwhelmed with joy and too many questions fogging up his brain. The only reason I haven't proposed  to you yet, was because i wasn't sure you are ready to get married.
I know, and I would have brought it up sooner, but i was a little busy planning a wedding. She smiled nervously. We both know we're gonna be together forever. I would just like to make it official in the presence of all our friends and family.
Ramo felt his body vibrating with a cocktail of love, amazement, joy, gratitude, and utter happiness coursing through his veins. You're amazing , you know that?
So I assume that's yes? She beamed with a hint of uncertainty.
God. Of course . Yes! I'll marry you. It's all I ever wanted.
As his fingers tangled in her hair, cradling her head, Ramo kissed sibel with the same desperation he'd only felt once, the night he had finally realised she was the one. And here he was, promising to spend the rest of his with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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