Chapter Twenty Seven

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Twenty Seven: Goodbye mum, dad.

Gwenog Jones, the captain of The Holyhead Harpies had called in all the players and the reserves of the team for an emergency meeting. The meeting was all about Gwenog's retirement. Her coach, Madam Lisa, announced her replacement with Gwenog. In this way, the team was now missing a member. Gwenog put everyone through practice trials, the next day and decided the new team. Ginny was very happy to say that she was now a part of the real team without being just a reserve. 

When Ginny told this news to Harry, he was just as delighted, if not more. This meant that she would get to play the next Quidditch cup which was not months away. The next Quidditch cup would be held in Brazil, South America and Ginny was going to get tickets for her family. After all, it will be her debut match. 

Gwenog trained everyone hard, daily. This team was a new one and hence it needed to know the spirit of teamwork. She taught several complicated stunts and dangerous loops. Every team member owned a Lighting Bolt, the fastest broomstick and were on high spirits by the time the cup rolled around. 

In order to please Ginny and divert her mind from the nerve-wreaking upcoming match, Harry took her out very often. They had dinner together, did some shopping, watched a muggle movie, danced and had ice-cream. These moments greatly helped Ginny to relax. 

On one such day, the pair were strolling through Godric's Hollow. Their destination in mind was Harry's parent's graves. The stony cobbled path was covered with snow even after Christmas. It was the New Year's Eve and lights of all the houses were on and gleaming. The smell of roast turkey reached their noses as they cuddled together in order to stay warm. Tiny snowflakes fell on their hair as they reached the kissing gates leading into the cemetery. Harry turned to Ginny and pushes a loose strand of her red hair out of her face before holding her hand and making their way to their destination. Harry could sleep walk to the graves. He knew the path so well by now. He and Ginny had visited once before, after they got married but other than that, they had never visited together. This made their second visit together. Ginny stopped suddenly, pulling Harry out of his train of thoughts. They had reached.

The names, James Potter and Lily Potter made a saddening impact as Harry read them on the stones, on which they were engraved. The last time he was here, he had promised them that he would come over to them and stay there until the end. He had broken that promise. Ginny knelt down and conjured a wreath of white roses and lilles with her yew wand as silent tears trickled down his face. He hastily wiped some away as Ginny got up.

"It is okay, love," Ginny said, before turning back and facing his parents. "I am sorry, Mr Potter, Mrs Potter. I broke my wedding laws made to you and my husband. I vowed to take good care of your son and give him a family to take care of. I vowed to my husband to never let him down, to stay with him until the end! But. . . I never really implemented them, did I?" Ginny asked, her own tears falling down her beautiful face. "But now, I will not break that promise. I will stay with him, until the end and love him just as unconditionally as you both loved him and each other," Ginny said as she suddenly held Harry's hand tightly, but fondly. She looked up at him with a smile. Harry nodded and turned back to his parents.

"I am sorry, dad, mum. I promised to stay with you but I can't. I realized, as soon as I saw Ginny that I never can leave her until death do us part. I could not bring myself to that! I don't think I would have been able to watch over her from above as I said before. I really wish you were here mum, dad. . ." Harry whispered the last part and felt Ginny's grip on his hand tighten. He knelt down and placed a kiss on the snow covered land. "I love you, both. Happy New year. Goodbye, mum, dad," he whispered just so that his parents could hear. He got up and with a silent nod, they left the silent place together.

Once again, two wisps of white light appeared, taking the form of a stag and a doe as they did.

"And now you believe me?" The stag asked, it's face somewhat turning into a smirk.

"Idiot. I hate to agree but I do. He is alright," the doe replied, looking dreamily in front of her. "I wouldn't have wished him to come to us soon. Sure, I want to spend time with my son but I want him to spend time with her. She is really lovely, isn't she?"

"Of course. That's the woman my son chose, Lilypads! Of course he has chosen right!" The stag agreed. The doe seemed to smile in response.

"Seeing her with him makes this girl happy. Harry has chosen the right girl in Ginny," the doe said, moving slightly and nuzzling her neck into the stag's.

"Everything is okay but I cannot believe the fact that there is some kind of curse running through mine as well as his veins," the stag said. The doe immediately looked up.


"Yeah, the Potters' curse of falling in love with redhead ow-" the stag started but was cut off when the doe kicked his front paws with her tiny hooves. She harrumphed and turned away. "I meant beautiful redheads, love."

The doe stuck her tongue out. "I thought you would wish for something else, James!" She shouted. The stag did some sort of shrugging motion. "And here I am, wishing for a mini blob of messy black hair and warm brown eyes calling my son, 'Dada'!"

"Oh!" The stag exclaimed, it's mouth turning to resemble the letter it self. "I wish to see a mini blob of straight red hair and pretty green eyes calling my daughter-in-law, 'Mum'!"

"You are my complete opposite, you toe-rag!" The doe shrieked as the stag smirked.

"Opposites attract."

"Oh, that's the last thing I needed to hear!"

And indeed, that was the last thing she heard for a very long time. The stag and the doe skipped up and up to the yon skies, crossing the misty clouds and reaching their final destination. They were never to go down to where the mortals lived, ever again. There, in the most beautiful place, stood two wolves and a huge shaggy dog, waiting for them. The pair of animals jumped and finally reached their friends. That was the last thing heard about Remus Lupin, Tonks, Sirius Black, James Potter and finally, Lily Potter. . .

I want my story to be unique and so I added the whole plot of Harry's deceased loved ones. It isn't canon that dead people can talk to each other in their patronus forms. It's just something that I made up for this story's benefit. I hope you liked this chapter. This book is now really coming to and end. Perhaps the last chapter will be the 30th one. Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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