You and I

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The story is all about two person who where totally complete opposite in some ways. The girl who is very talkative and the boy who is emotionally attached with his past experiences met in unexpected way.

It was one time during a class project when the group of Grace decided to have an overnight in one of their groupmates house. 

Tony: Guys! by the way i'll be bringing my group of friends for us to help in our class project is it okay with you guys?

Whole of the gang agreed and they picked up the other 3 guys waiting for us. Grace who is very talkative keeps on screaming, singing, talking and talking about funny stuffs. When the 3 guys entered the car all of us kept quiet for a moment. Each one of us started to introduced oneself. All the girls was shocked when each one of them started to talked in english. it was a fun and dramatic night for all of us. A group of boys and a group of girls are combined in just one night. 

(Tony's house,at the entertainment room) When all of them decided to look for their own spot where they can be comfortable to sleep. Grace and Gerard eventually took the same spot and they decided to fight and argued. All of them stared to them and ask what happened. For the first time they was shocked hearing Gerard fighting a girl for he is the very quiet person in the group. He never stopped fighting with Grace and all of them keep on teasing him to Grace. They eventually had a pillow fight that night because Gerard is watching his favorite horror movie while Grace keeps on scaring to death for she doesn't like to watch horror movies.

Grace: AAAAAAAAAAAh!!!!!!!! "Please change it! Please Change it!!! I don't like that movie!!~~"

Gerard: Will you please shut up i'm watching my movie, please try to be considerate.

Grace: But i don't like those kind of movies can you just please changed it? (covering her eyes while talking back to Gerard)

Dominique and Joy: "oooooooooooooy! baka kayo madevelop diyan!!"

Gerard is having a hard time to understand for he doesn't speak well in our own language for he was been raised speaking in English.

The next morning when Grace woke up she went to the kitchen to look for water when she saw Gerard cooking. When she tried to return back Gerard calls her.

Gerard: Grace! help me cut the chicken and pork A.S.A.P!

Grace: (shocked O.O)

But Grace didn't listen turn away her back to Gerard and continue walking to the stairs. Grace is fixing her things so that she could get ready herself from taking a bath when she heared someone calling for her name.

Dominique: Grace, Gerard is looking for you and he told me to call for you.

Grace: For what?

Dominique: He wants you to help him in the kitchen by cutting the chicken and pork.

Grace: But i don't know how, I never tried cooking.

Grace went down to the kitchen with mad foot steps.

Gerard: Grace cut the pork and chicken i need it now.

Grace: (trying to cut the chicken and pork at a mad force)

Marlon, Joy, Dominique, Kim, and  Maria keep on teasing the both of us. 

Marlon: Meg, I can sense Gerard has a different feeling for that girl he acts so differently. (whisphering to Kim's ears)

 Kim: Me either, isn't it weird that he keep on calling Grace's attention?

(both of them laughed)

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