Chapter 3: Clementine's Prayer

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Gosh, this really does smell good. The congealed bean glob cooked down and is simmering. A couple more minutes and I can plate up dinner. Maybe I should put a little more in Luke's bowl, considering how big he is. I really don't need as much as he does.
"Ah-hmmm." I hear from the doorway.
"Yikes!" I throw down my spoon and stop my hips from swaying. I turn around and find Luke leaning up against the doorway, tapping his hand on the frame and grinning from ear to ear.
"Why'd ya stop kiddo? I mean, the dancing is Stevie Wonder but the singing is Michael Jackson."
"How long were you standing there?!" I cringe at the thought of my impromptu dance moves.
"Long enough to know you should keep your day job." Luke joked and walked to the island to sit at one of the stools. "Which is bein' a little badass."
I flush harder and return to the beans. "Hasn't anyone told you it's impolite to creep up on people? Also, I'm not a badass. I'm just making beans."
"Sorry 'bout that Clem. Also, making beans is an important job. I'd definitely appreciate some." He looked at the pot, clearly smelling the savory contents.
"Are you telling me you want beans?" I smile.
"If you wouldn't mind, Clem."
I clearly didn't, as I started filling up both bowls with our hot meal. When I evened them out, I quickly looked over at Luke to make sure he wasn't watching and emptied the rest into his.
I served it with splendor, announcing the beans as tonight's guests of honor. Luke just looked at me and smiled, which I'm guessing means "you look like an idiot."

Clem would be a cute little housewife. Serving our small meal with that enthusiasm is infectious. I couldn't help but smile. She's so damn cute.
I look down at the steaming bowl as she sets it in front of me and pick up my fork. "Well," I say, "I am going to DESTROY this." Clementine giggles. "But how about a prayer first?"
"I guess so. You wanna say it?" Clem asks, shrugging her shoulders and folding her hands together. I do the same.
"God is great, God is good. Let us thank him for this food. Let Him also be thanked for shitty dance moves-"
Clem kicked my foot under the table.
"Ow...And for the beautiful woman doing those dance moves. Amen."
"Amen." Clem repeats, quietly. I don't look up at her as I take my first bite, knowing I may or may not have crossed a line. I was only being honest.... Not about the dance moves. She really is beautiful.
We get to eating, every bite better than the last. As we approach the bottom of our bowls, Clem goes, "By the way, who's Stevie Wonder?"
I look up. "WHO'S Stevie Wonder?! Dear God.."

Passing the Nights: Luke and ClementineWhere stories live. Discover now