Tessa's backstory/ Story details

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----Tess's Backstory----

~Tessa(Sometimes I'll call her Tess) McCall is 17 years old and  a junior in highschool

~She's Scott McCall's twin sister.

~She lives with her dad after her mom kicked him out

~She's human

----Story Info----

~You will probably notice I switch between passed tense and present tense. It's a habit I have hahah

~I would highly recommend not reading this book if sexual assault is a big trigger warning for you.

~Tessa has some major mental health issues including depression, paranoia, PTSD, and heavy anxiety which, yes, that means there will be stuttering. (hahah sorry not sorryyy)

~ The only reason this book is mature is because of Wattpad's new update, not because of smut hahah. I'm not really comfy with writing it.

~Updates are going to be so slow, I'm sorry haha. Because of school now, it's hard

~This story, behind the scenes of Tess's life, will follow the plot of season 4 so watch out for spoilers!

~Each chapter represents an episode so they'll be pretty long chapters haha

~The story follows the episodes/plotline of season 4 but some events will be modified to fit the way of the story

~This isn't just a straight Liam fan fic. This is more about Tessa's problems and then she finds Liam. I just don't want people expecting Liam in every single chapter haha

~And I am nowhere close to an expert writer so sorry about that in advance haha. Let's just pretend this is the most amazing story there has ever been😹

----Story Introduction----

Pov: Third

Warnings: Mentions of abuse, alcoholism, and signs of depression and daddy issues. Nothing too bad.

Tessa McCall isn't exactly known as the contented one, at least, not anymore. If you've met her four years ago, you'd melt at the sight of her. She was caring, loving, sweet. She'd always lend a helping hand with a cheerful smile on her face. She always lit up the world around her even though when she returned home, she was caught in the the rain with a dark cloud overhead.

If you saw Tessa on the outside, you'd never guess her at home condition. You'd expect she lives with one big happy family who spoils on every occasion, but you'd be wrong.

Tessa's father during the day is a detective, and a good one at that. But after work, when he comes home, he's a drunk. An angry drunk who hurts her.

He hurt her brother a few years ago. Pushed him down the steps. Her mom kicked him out and he dragged Tessa with him. Worse part is, her mom didn't even stop him.

Tess's family doesn't care about her. Why would her dad hurt someone he loves? And she's never talked to her mom and brother since that day. They never called her and when she tried to call them, no answer. Nobody picked up.

Tess still showed a smile despite everything. She made others smile and that was enough for her to keep going. That is until the event that happened when she was fourteen.

She built up walls when it happened. She stopped smiling, stopped helping, stopped eating, stopped sleeping, and barely talked to anyone. She didn't care, not about anything anymore.

Only her bestfriend Heather knows what happened that night. She tried to get Tess to to open up or atleast move in with her but she didn't want to. Tess fully shut down. Only speaking one or two words to Heather, but that was it. Every time someone would try to talk to her, she nodded her head, shrugged her shoulders, or just ignored them.

Tessa only relied on herself. She only needed herself. And, she could only trust herself.

Well, that's what she thought up until now.

Scott has been recently dodging Rafael, Tess's dad's, calls recently which really aggrieved him. When he finally got ahold of Melissa, she told him he needs to control his drinking if he wants to speak to Scott again. Rafe took Melissa's ultimatum into account and he fixed his problems.

He got a new job in Beacon Hills to work part-time. Unfortunately because of the distance, he'd wake up early in the morning and when he finally returned at night, Tess would already be asleep.

With Rafael not liking the long journey and him finally being in a good place with his drinking, he thought he'd do something to make up for all the pain he caused his daughter. He had a surprise for her which he thought would make her happy for the first time in awhile.

Even though he was a drunk mess, Rafe still noticed the change in Tessa when she was younger. As much as it pains him to say it, he just didn't care enough to do anything about. He didn't want to talk to his daughter, he just wanted to fill his mouth with any type of alcohol he could get his hands on. He wanted to make up for it and this would be a start.

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