Gamble and a Flirt in the Woods

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Yilmaz threw down an ace of hearts card along with a few other aces, staring as his once smug opponent wilted infront of him. The once boisterous, posture and aura faded, shriveling up like a prune.

"How-You shouldn't have been able to win! I was so close! You must've cheated!" The man jabbed a finger at him.

Yilmaz rolled his eyes, taking out his golden fan and snapping it open, humming at the accusation. "I did no such thing. My game and deal is to play fair and square. Cheap tricks like cheating are not on my list."

"Why you-"

"Always hiding a cheap trick underneath your sleeve by stealing the card of your opponent? Such fast hands you have that I can't help wonder..." Yilmaz leaned forward, fox like grin on his face. "That every one of your wins were born out of petty steals."

The man sputtered. Yilmaz stood up, the chair behind him scrapping. Whispers began to fly as the dark haired man walked out, the single braid in his hair swishing along with his purple and dark blue battle styled outfit. Ah, a day in life when work wasn't so busy, it was such a lovely day too.

Silver eyes gazed at the mid-morning sky after they had gotten out of the large gambling establishment, listening to the whispers and giggles of the birds and trees. Sometimes, Yilmaz found no interest in this things anymore, having been bored to death for years. It was the same thing all over again, a cycle that one couldn't escape.

However, the only thing he found interesting was how humans worked. They could build, craft, make stories. Sometimes, he wondered how they even came up with building crazy things that actually managed to help their economy.

"Ah, there I go again down that path." Yilmaz mused, shaking his head and snapping his fan shut, placing the guard in his other hand. "Perhaps I should walk around some more."

So he did, looking at the wooden houses and shops, all of them holding their own charms. It wasn't much, but it was more than everything that he needed. Maybe he should travel and explore around the continent? See the wonders of the world and all the things it had to offer?

When nothing caught his interest, Yilmaz decided that staying in town wasn't worth it and just wandered off, finding himself in the front of the forest pathway, fresh trail welcoming him on sight.

"Hmmm.." He hummed, metal clad boots clacking slightly. Should he go in and explore? See the thrills and danger? Or perhaps stay cautious and away from the forest? He had heard that this forest was most especially dangerous but he had yet to see deaths so why not?

He went in, boots crunching brown leaves underneath as he wandered deeper, fanning himself.

The forest twittered and breathed more than it should've been doing. Yilmaz felt that something was amiss but he couldn't quite put his finger on it so he wandered deeper. The live chirps of birds and summer insects became more present, more louder while the trail became thinner and more uncharted. Darker.

Yilmaz squinted, the whites of his eyes turning black and leaving behind whispy trails in the corner of his lids. Life resonated through this forest, an abnormal one at that. As he went closer, he stumbled into a ring of growing flowers where the trees parted shyly from the center.

And there he saw it, a long haired being slept in the center, the sleeves and ends of their long salmon and green robes sprawled about with designs of fallen petals, leaves, and other flowers on the edges. If anything, the person looked like a priest or a priestess with their outfit.

But what struck him was the slightly crooked deer antler headpiece that the being donned and he realized that he was not supposed to disturb their sleep. Belatedly, he recognized he was staring at someone powerful, a man that shouldn't be wakened no matter what.

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