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“Finally decided to visit your sister-in-arms, Great Primordial of Night?” A soft but commanding voice that was a mix between a man and a woman echoed through the halls of gold and clouds just as Yilmaz steps out of the swirling galaxy portal.

“Of course. I missed my sister-in-arms after a long time without visitations,” Yilmaz retorted back with humor. He waved a hand over his eyes, manifesting a dark mask with glowing eye holes to cover his sensitive gaze from the blinding light of his opposite element. “And before anything else, no I did not wager anything illegal. I know my limits.”

Four golden eyes on a dark and lovely face stare back at him in amusement. “And here I thought you'd waste your immortality away by gambling with fate and its dye.”

Alina Eliora was a being one could describe as a mix between a falcon and a human. She had four golden wings and black clawed talons for feet that was wrapped in purple armour to prove it. Overall, she looked human, if not for the spinning halo with eyes behind her head and the extra pair of eyes on her clear face that wasn't covered by her long dark blonde hair that was made into a thick braid. Not to mention that even her clothes were gold and reds with cloud motifs.

Yilmaz couldn't directly stare at her without his mask. He might burn his eyes off if he did. Night and day didn't mix well unless they were at a stalemate. “Cruel one, sistto-in-arms. I may be a gambler but I know restraint. What did I do to hurt you?”

“Nothing. Are you going to stay in that human form of yours or will you grace me with your true form and talk formalities with me, Yilmaz?”

Yilmaz thought about it. It wasn't like there was any reason to hide it. He wasn't in the mortal realm where he could cause a devastation of blindness if he showed his real form. With a relenting sigh, Yilmaz flicked his fan open and ran it over his hair. Once dark violet strands changed like the dark night with blue luminescent highlights and began floating up like it didn't know gravity. His robes shifted to that of the darkest ocean and lightest violet with streaking stars. On his back, sprouted six swirling galaxy raven wings with hundreds of silver eyes that flashed open. His normal legs were replaced with black talons of a murderous raven.

The raven Primordial stepped forward, snapping his fan closed and blinking behind the mask that covered the upper portion of his face. The darkness following him shifted and snuffed out the nearby light but did not touch the Light Primordial's burning grace.

“Does this ease you more then, Alina?” Yilmaz asked with a voice that was like a thousand whispers of the deep. “I just got here and formalities are already needed? So cruel to your elder.”

“You're only a thousand years older than me,” Alina rolled her many eyes and retrieved her golden sceptre with a golden falcon head. The large ruby stone on the center of its forehead glowed with pure power. “But to move our conversation along, the new gods requested a banquet in these golden halls with us Primordials as the honoured guests. They said its the time of the feasts of all gods.”

Yilmaz's hummed. “Oh? That big of a deal?”

“Afraid so. They said it was an important event that should be celebrated by all.”

“A little ridiculous to say there’s a feast for all the deities when there's none. Are you sure they’re not just flaunting that they have devotees amass?”

Alina cracked a smile and tucked her wings neatly on her back. “It would seem to be the case but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that they’re just here to have a break.”

“Why now? They finally decided it was worthy to invite their predecessors and creators?” Yilmaz huffed an amused laugh.

“I much prefer watching over the humans and giving them their due bright days and mornings just as you prefer gambling and bringing your cover of night to the world,” Alina waved her upper right wing and sat down on a nearby lounge chair. “although declining such an offer from our descendant gods would be rude wouldn't it? What do you say?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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