Chapter 9(Fever😥)

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YN: Hmm,let me th-

YN: Useless, can't even see the gun in my hand.
You turned to leave when,
???1: Yahh!! You won't go out of this place alive.
YN: Really!!? I just killed your boss infront of you, then ain't I your new boss?
???4: Huh?(looking at ???2) does this works like this??
The other boys just shrugged their shoulders. You just sighed.
YN: Are you guys new to mafia world?
???3: Yes. Any problem ?
YN: I will hire you all. Take this card and go to the address given on it. They will assign you your work.
???5: But we always work as a group.
YN: Well you can still work as group there. Myself YN.
???1: Oh, Thank you. My name is Yeonjun, 18.
???2: I am Soobin,17.
???3: I am Beomgyu,16.
???4: Taehyn~,15.
???5: I am Kai,15.
All 5: We are together called TXT.
YN: You guys are quite young. Which school do you study in?
Kai: We can't afford going to school so we started working as mafias.
YN: I will take care of your expenses. Your parents?
They just shake their head as no. You understood they are orphans.
YN: Here take this money and go have something to eat. Go to the address tomorrow. I will arrange the things required by then.
TXT: THANK YOU NUNA!!!!! Saying they all came and hugged you.
You froze on your spot because no one had ever called you Nuna. You felt some what happy inside.
YN: Ok now leave me and come tomorrow by 9.
TXT: Yes Nuna!
You then left the place and started to walk out. The sun was almost set. You were walking along the foothpath when it started to rain heavily. You sighed as your home was quite far. You looked up and started feeling good so you just decided to walk in the rain. You were walking when you saw a park. You went there and sat on a bench. You could see the cars splashing the water on the road, the Walker's running to getting under shelter, kids enjoying while their moms calling them to come back from a nearby shelter. You closed your eyes and bend your head backwards. You let the rain drops mix with your tears. You slowly started kissing control over your over flooding emotions.
Time skip
It was night now, the rain had stopped couple of minutes before. You are still sitting on the bench and just staring at nothing. You got startled by the call you were gettin. You saw the caller ID, it was Mr. Kim.
On the call.
YN: Sir??
Mr. Kim: Where are you?
YN: On my way back.
Mr. Kim: Hmm.
YN: You needed anything?
You then heard murmurs from the other side. You frowned in confusion. Then you listened to it more carefully. It was Ae-Cha. You immediately changed the way you were speaking to him.
YN: D-Dad? Is there something to want me to bring on my way back?
Mr. Kim understood why you were talking in that way and smirked secretly.
Ae-Cha: Forget it you won't be able to. Dear we are going shopping tomorrow morning. We want you to come along.
YN: Shopping?
Ae-Cha: Dear wedding dress shopping.
You didn't like the idea a bit.
YN: Can I talk to D-Dad?
Ae-Cha: Huh? Alright. Here.
She handed the phone to Mr. Kim.
Mr. Kim: Yes speak d-dear.
You felt it weird, him calling you dear.
YN: Alone.
Mr. Kim: ....... Speak now.
YN: Me? shopping?
Mr. Kim: Come.
YN: I don't like.
Mr. Kim: Come as bodyguard.
YN: Okay.
Call ended. You looked at your phone and sighed.
YN: I called him dad after so long. And "dear"? Seriously!?
You stood up and walked back home. You were completely wet.
Time skip
You reached home and went to your room, changed your dress and went to sleep.
You woke up with a head ache. You knew you caught a fever. You shook you head and did your morning routine.
You went down for breakfast when you saw Mrs. Zhang coming to you.
YN: Good morning Aunty.
Mrs. Zhang: Good morning dear. Actually I was coming to you. Your father told that they will be going shopping tomorrow and today no one will be home.
YN: Work?
She just nodded.
YN: Ok. Saying you were going to your room when you heard someone coughing.
You looked at the specific door for some seconds and then opened it.
YN: What happened to you? Where were you yesterday evening and night?
??? Pov
I was having fever and cold. Aish I shouldn't have played in the rain without anyone's knowledge. I was awake but didn't opened my eyes. "Cough" "cough" Aish now did I even catch a cough.
Then I heard the door opening. I know all are out for some work, who could it be?.
???: What happened to you? Where were you yesterday evening and night?
Huh? How did she know I was out.
YN: Stop pretending to be asleep. Go get freshed then rest. You will feel bit comfortable. Go
???: I don't want to. 😣🐰

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