Chapter 6

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"Here we are Bruce, day nine in the city of love!" I say as we walk down the busy Pairs street.

"This is gorgeous. I wish we could've come here sooner." Bruce marvels, staring at the shops as we walk.

"Oh, il ne aurait pas été aussi spéciale." I smile, kissing his cheek.

"In English this time?" Bruce chuckles, sliding his arm around my waist.

"I said, it wouldn't have been as special. This trip was graced upon us at the most perfect time. I'm with the perfect man, in the perfect city. There's so much to do these next two days, and we have such little time-"

"Then let's get started." Bruce smiles and drags me away, heading towards the museum. We spend a couple hours drifting about the Louvre, taking pictures of and with the paintings. Next we head to the Arc de Triomphe, watching the bustling city below us. People watch in curiosity as we walk around, whispering small things like " Are those the Avengers?" or younger kids running up and asking Bruce if he's the Hulk. We smile and take pictures, waving at children as they walk past. As the day slowly turns to night, Bruce and I take a boat ride on the river Seine. the Eiffel tower glistens in the background, beckoning us to it.

The night ends with dinner on the second floor of the Eiffel tower. Dozens of families and couples surround us in the busy restaurant. Bruce and I enjoy a slow, quiet meal, taking our time and marveling at the view.

"This is breath taking.." I sigh, glancing around me.

"I never thought I would do anything anything like this." Bruce says quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"I never planned to come back to this society. Living in the tower, fighting with the Avengers. I was fully against coming in when Natasha came to me in India. I was just striving for a normal life somewhere nobody knew me."

I sit quietly, staring at Bruce. He continues to talk, my attention fully placed on him.

"I stopped caring for myself, gave up on trying to find a cure. I became a physician hoping to help other people, since I couldn't help myself. I had given up." He sighs, shaking his head, "When I had tried to kill myself-"

"Bruce please-"

"No, Ashlynn, please hear me out." He holds his hand up, quieting me down. I nod, avoiding is gaze. Bruce takes a moment and inhales deeply, closing his eyes as he does.

"My childhood was the opposite of ideal. The death of my mother is probably when everything had started. We were so close, best friends. But my father didn't like that." Bruce leans back in his chair, "My father killed her, and I was forced to keep quiet. I never had a real relationship with my father prior to or after that. He was an alcoholic, and not only physically, but mentally abusive. He was locked up not to long after. I was alone. Completely and utterly alone. Breezed through school, and moved onto college. There I met Betty, who really helped with everything. I was happy for a while. Then everything went to shit. I destroyed a city, lost Betty, and ultimately gave up on myself. I stuck the gun in my mouth so I would forget all that happened. To be a distant memory to everyone. I had become a monster, ruining everyone's lives."

"Bruce, you are not a monster. Understand me?" I sit up and lean over the table, placing my hand atop his. He looks up at me and stares, shaking his head. "No, no don't give me that bullshit Bruce. You are nothing close to a monster. The gamma radiation was an accident, not something that could truly be avoided. It sounds stupid when I say this, but this was most likely the work of fate-"

"Not fate-"

"Your work has been a gift to mankind. You've done so much to help the world, as both Doctor Banner and the Hulk. The bad things that have happened while you were him, well, those don't reflect upon you. You're both two different people. Don't doubt yourself, ever. You're a hero Bruce, my hero. Like I said a while back, it's a package deal with you. I have the hottest boyfriend within the group. He's also the smartest, funniest, craziest, caring, most lovable human being I have ever know, and he just happens to be able to turn into a very strong, very big, and very intimidating person. It is an honor and a privilege to know you and love you, Bruce."

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