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For an hour, or so, Jimin was left to his thoughts. He had told 097 he wanted to be left alone for the time being. Surprisingly, the boy respected his wishes the first time, though, with the promise he'd be back. Jimin didn't mind that promise though. He...he found himself feeling respected by this man.

Which, in itself had Jimin conflicted. Because he knew any sort of emotion would make him weak. He wasn't used to people treating him even decently. The way 097 spoke to him was only of distant memory otherwise. His feelings liked it.

But he didn't think he did.

097 was too kind for his liking. Jimin knew it was the scum bag version of the kind, no decent person was in here, but he was still a saint compared to anyone else he knew. And that was gross. No one is kind without a reason. 097 wanted something from him.

He thought of this, mixed in with the terrors of earlier, and just his life in general, as he waited in line for a small meal for dinner; a biscuit and some apple juice. The American-style biscuit was small but flakey. It was better than the usual dumpster diving he had to do, especially in his teen years. And it was better than stealing food, or money, or anything of the sorts. He didn't mind it at all.

Not even three minutes later, he hears, "Need a dinner buddy?"

He looks up. 097 had kept his promise. His voice was gentle, his demeanor calm. Jimin didn't understand how he could even speak in this tone, after what had happened. Even hours later, people were still crying. Every half an hour or so a screaming match broke out, that usually ended in physical violence. Others were shocked into emotional numbness, but no one was acting like 097.

Jimin slowly nodded, feeling too emotionally vulnerable alone. Shit. "Sure."

097 sat down next to him, on the steps just like before. "Geez, you look even worse than when I left you."

It was because of how his emotions were treating him. He was going through a strong bout of whiplash. "Today...today was just tough."

"Oh wow, I never would've guessed," 097 huffs out a bitter laugh. "Well, at least we're not alone now. We have a higher chance of winning together."

"Don't be so sure," Jimin bites the inside of his cheek softly, not enough to hurt himself.

"I just mean we're better off psychologically or whatever," He makes a face. "I'm not a doctor, I don't know. Just, maybe knowing someone depends on you gives you more reason to survive. Because I don't have anyone to survive for at home. And I doubt you do either."

How could this man just read him like a book? "...Yeah."

"So you need to survive for me," The taller tells him. "Do I need to survive for you?"

His heart panged. He didn't know why. Maybe it was simply that he wasn't used to the attention. "Yeah. So do a fucking good job."

He felt so broken right now. He thought he was tough, he thought he could stand up to anyone. But now, he barely even had a voice, he was so vulnerable. And fucking 097 was taking advantage of that. His broken mind, his broken soul, responded to the kindness. He wanted to tell him to fuck off, that he didn't need him, or anyone for that matter.

And yet he didn't know how.

So Jimin sat next to this man, letting him give him attention. In these few hours of safety he would let his emotions co-exist with his wariness, because he didn't have the energy to do anything else.

"I'll do a good job 136," He assures. "I can do a better job if I get to know you."


"I want to get to know you 136," 097 looks at him. "I think the closer we are and the better we get along, the harder we'll fight for each other. Tell me about yourself."

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