Chapter 9: Stolen Concealer and Pillow Fights.

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Scarlett couldn't help but find Tinsley's rambling a little charming, her words tumbling out in a flustered attempt to correct herself. Yet one detail lingered in Scarlett's mind–Tinsley thought she was attractive. Now, wasn't that interesting? A smirk tugged at Scarlett's lips, but she held back her response. She suspected poor Tinsley might actually faint if she brought it up.

She didn't want Tinsley to shut up, though. There was something about the way Tinsley spoke–unguarded and honest. Unlike the actors and actresses, Scarlett was used to—the ones who were nice to your face but wore masks just as easily as they played their roles—Tinsley was refreshingly different. Authentic. Real.

With a soft smile, Scarlett leaned in, hoping to ease Tinsley's nerves. "You don't have to shut up," she said gently. "It's okay."

Tinsley let out a breath, her body visibly relaxing. She rubbed a hand over her face, clearly embarrassed. "I'm sorry. It's been a long day. I know I'm a bit awkward right now. I just...haven't warmed up to you yet."

A snorting laugh sounded from the other side of Scarlett, but Alana remained silent, her amusement lingering in the air like a playful challenge. Scarlett, however, shifted her attention back to Tinsley's well-being. "Hey, speaking of a long day, how is your ankle doing? Have you been icing it?"

Tinsley's expression brightened, a small smile crossing her face as if proud of herself for remembering. "Yes, actually. I iced it about an hour ago. It's doing okay. I think I just tweaked it."

"That's good." Scarlett nodded approvingly before her gaze flicked upward to Tinsley's forehead. "And your head? How's that doing?"

Tinsley grimaced slightly. "It's good. Just a real pain to try and cover up. I'm running out of concealer."

A quiet laugh escaped Alana, who crossed her arms as she finally chimed in. "You mean my concealer?? I know you swiped it from my room the other day. That's how I noticed the bump today—because it doesn't match your skin tone."

Scarlett glanced at Tinsley again, this time more carefully. Now that Alana mentioned it, the concealer didn't quite match. Not only was it on the bump, but there was a considerable amount beneath Tinsley's eyes, blended well but still a shade off. Were the bags under Tinsley's eyes so bad that she felt the need to conceal them? At her age? She was far too young to be doing that already.

Tinsley offered a sheepish shrug, an impish grin spreading across her face. "Heh. Umm, sorry? Didn't think you'd notice it was gone."

Alana rolled her eyes, though her tone remained playful. "Duck," she whispered to Scarlett, who instinctively ducked just in time to dodge the square pillow Alana hurled at Tinsley, which smacked her directly in the face.

Tinsley's mouth fell open in disbelief as she quickly stood up to retrieve the pillow off the floor. "What was that for?! I said I was sorry!"

Scarlett stifled a laugh, leaning back as she watched the exchange unfold, relieved to stay out of the crossfire. There was something about the chaotic energy between Alana and Tinsley that was both amusing and endearing. If nothing else, it was entertaining to witness.

Grinning mischievously, Alana grabbed another pillow but did not respond to Tinsley.

"Alana. Don't you dare throw that pil–" Tinsley's warning was abruptly cut off as the second pillow soared through the air toward her. She swatted it away using the pillow she had in her hand, only for it to ricochet straight toward Scarlett.

Scarlett wasn't quick enough; the pillow hit her square in the chest. She shot her hands up instinctively to shield herself from any further assaults on her breasts, laughing despite the hit. "Oww! That was my boobs you just hit!"

Tinsley's eyes widened in horror, and Scarlett, unable to resist, teased, "What did my boobs ever do to you, Tinsley?"

Alana reacted first, flashing Scarlett the biggest grin ever, her eyes sparkling like she knew something Scarlett didn't.

A second later, Tinsley's eyes widened even more as she quickly turned to Alana, alarmed, and lunged for her, trying to cover Alana's mouth with her hand to silence whatever she was about to say. Alana, laughing, fought her off while she tried to speak.

Tinsley didn't manage to cover Alana's mouth in time, but when she looked at Scarlett to see if she had, Scarlett kept her expression neutral, feigning confusion for Tinsley's sake. But oh, Scarlett definitely heard the slightly muffled, "Turn her on!" that escaped Alana's lips.

"Truce? I'll let you go if you stop throwing pillows," Tinsley bargained with Alana. When Alana nodded in agreement, Tinsley released her, and Alana collapsed to the floor, dissolving into more laughter.

"Ha. Ha." Tinsley mocked, rolling her eyes with a huff, though Scarlett could see she was fighting off a smile. "Don't forget we live together. You better sleep with one eye open tonight."

A few moments passed before they settled back down on the couch. Suddenly, Alana spoke from beside Scarlett, "You know, I just thought of something. How did you end up in Scarlett's neighborhood to begin with? I dropped you off nowhere near her neighborhood."

Scarlett eyes shifted to Tinsley, curiosity sparking. That was a great question. Her neighborhood was at least a good thirty-five minutes away from Tinsley's.

Tinsley looked momentarily thrown off by the question, her fingers twitching as she fidgeted nervously, a habit Scarlett had already started to notice. "Well, uh...after you dropped me off at the store, I took the bus, but I accidentally missed my stop, so I got off at the last one. Then, since the next bus wasn't coming for a while, I kind of just... started walking. And then I, uh... ended up running."

Narrowing her eyes, Scarlett studied Tinsley, who now seemed very interested in her fingers. It wasn't that she didn't believe her, but it felt more like there was more to it that Tinsley was not saying. And judging by Alana's skeptical "Hmm okay," Scarlett wasn't alone in that thought.

Still, Scarlett held back, letting the moment linger. For a brief moment, she wondered if Alana would say something else, question Tinsley further, but she didn't. All she said was, "Okay anyway," and changed the topic.

From there, they continued the conversation, going through a multitude of topics. Throughout them all, Scarlett kept catching the semi-concerned looks Alana would shoot Tinsley and the certain looks Tinsley would send back. The looks that said, "I know you know what I'm thinking but I don't want to talk about it."

When their night finally came to an end, Scarlett left having learned a variety of information but three things stuck in her mind:

Tinsley was holding something back and Alana seemed to know something. Something that made her concerned every time Tinsley zoned out.

Tinsley found her attractive.

And most importantly, her boobs turn Tinsley on. 



Love - A

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03 ⏰

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