New Friend

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Monama's POV:

I'm laying on my bed, looking at memes on my phone. Shinsou is sitting on the floor doing something on his phone. Most people don't even know were friends, but here we are. Every Friday night he comes over and we hang out. But this is what we do most of the time. Were perfectly content just doing our own thing and being in each other's company. Just then I get a call. Denki? What does he want? Shinsou looks up at me. I answer the phone. 

"Hey Denks, whats up?", I ask.

"N-Neito? I-it's happening a-again," he says, out of breath.

My face turns from a playful one to a concerned one.

"Hey, just breath ok? I'll be there soon, alright?", I say.

I hang up the phone.

"I'll be right back Shinsou! Small emergency to take care of!", I say, running out the door. I run downstairs and quickly get my shoes on. I grab my jacket and run towards Denki's house. I sneak around the back and up through his window. I crawl inside and see him sitting on the floor, his back against his bed, hugging his knees. I walk over to him and start to rub circles on his back.

"Hey, shh, it's fine... I'm here, no one can hurt you", I say soothingly.

I take one of his hands, gently, and place it on my chest.

"Just match my breathing ok?", I say, taking slow, steady breaths.

His breathing eventually evens and calms down.

"Th-thanks Neito," he says, slightly louder than a whisper.

"Want to come back with me to my house?", I say.

He nods his head yes. i help him to his feet and we sneak out the window.

"Hey, right quick, I have another friend over right now. You cool with that?", I ask.

He nods again. Shinsou is going to kill me. We get back to my house and up to my room. I go and sit back on the bed, which Shinsou had gravitated on to while I was gone. Denki walks in and sits on the floor, criss croos, looking down, fidgeting with his hands.

"Uh, why is he here?", Shinsou asked.

"So I can keep an eye on him," I reply.

"Why?", Shinsou responds.

"In case he has another attack," I explain.

"He gets anxiety attacks?", Shinsou questions.

"Yes...", Denki says.

I notice Shinsou look at him meaningfully and then back at his phone. 

After a while Denki pulled out his phone and started playing on it. He looks up at us.

"Either of you need your phone charged?", he asked.

"No, were good," I say, glancing at Shinsou.

He looks at me, wondering why I answered for him. Denki looks back down at his phone.

"I'll explain everything to you tomorrow," I tell him.

Denki's POV:

I play clicking games on my phone to give my hands something to do. It's not often that I'm with people and no one asks me to charge their phone, so I offer. But Monama says no. He knows i hate being used as a charger, and that it's slightly draining. I appreciate him for that. I look back at my phone and quickly get bored. I scroll through my photos and come across one Mina had sent me. It's her and Sero, playing around, high on sugar, kiri in the background, dead asleep, and Bakugo wasn't there. Seeing her and Sero like that triggered me again. I start to think bout my dad when hes drunk. My chest stats to hurt and my breathing quickens. Someone slides off the bed and grabs my hand. He squeezes it and with his other hand rubs circles on my back.

"Hey, quiet. It's fine. It's just us three, no one else," he says. "Calm down, your safe." I can tell it's not Neito by the voice. Neito's voice is calming, but still a little shrill. Shinsou's is just calming. My breathing starts to settle. I look up at him. I notice his Violet eyes, with hints of lilac, periwinkle, and amethyst in them. His hair matches. I look over at Neito. He is siting on the edge of the bed, staring at me.

"I-I'm ok now," I say, quietly.

Shinsou gives my hand one last squeeze then lets go. He backs up slightly so he is no longer in my personnel space.

"How, uh, how did you know what to do?", I ask him.

"I used to have them too," he said. I looked at him shocked, so does Neito.

"Wait, you did? How come I didn't know about this?", he asked.

"It was before I was in a good place," Shinsou replied. I don't understand what he means, but Neito gives him a look of 'ok, as long as your fine now'. (I'm good with looks and reading people)

I look at him curious, but know better than to ask someone something their not willing to tell.

"Anyways, what was the trigger this time?", Neito asked.

I show him the photo. He crawls off the bed and pulls me into a hug. After a moment he pulls away and scoots back like Shinsou did.

"Denks, this is Hitoshi Shinsou, from class 1-C, probably should have introduced you guys earlier," he said.

"Right, yeah, I know. He battled Midoriya in the sports festival. That's one cool quirk you got there," I reply.

"You think so?", Shinsou responded.

"Yeah, must be nice to not be in control for once...", I admit.

"You don't think it's a villain's quirk?", he asked.

"Any quirk could be a villain's quirk, it all just depends on the person," I say.

He gives a slight smile.

"Wanna try it on me?", I ask.

"Do you want me to?", he questioned.

"Yeah, as I said earlier, it would be nice to let someone else be in control for once," I say.

"Um, ok, what's your favorite color?", he asks me.

"I'm not real-", I was cut off once he used his quirk.

I'm completely aware of everything, but I don't have to think. My head is fuzzy when I try, but if I stop, and relax, it's very pleasant. It's almost... calming. But then he cuts off.

"You alright?", he asked. "The first time usually leaves you dizzy."

"I'm fine," I reply. I wont admit that I liked it.

"Hey, are you going to stay the night?", Monama asked.

"If you don't mind," I reply.

"You cool with that Shinsou?", he questions.

"Yeah, that's fine," Shinsou replies.

I'm always up for new friends, but I feel like this guy will be an actual friend... a good friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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