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[Miyamura's viewpoint]

After I went home I instantly called Hori, i forgot to ask about the horror movie she saw and I didn't wanted to be rude to her..

After a 1 hour long call.. to be honest I was pissing my pants. WHY IS IT SO SCARRY??

-time skip-

(In the morning) :

[Hori's viewpoint]

I woke up pretty early today, I need to make food for Shota and I want to meet up with Izumi so we can go to school together like always!
I made some fried eggs because Shota loves them. And to be honest i really like its taste too!
Im done with making food/making my hair and stuff like that so Im gonna go to Miyamuras place right now. Shota has already went to school . . .

[Miyamuras viewpoint ]

I've done my hair and I even showered, I can't belive Im getting anxious meeting her..
What If she thinks my hair is bad or that I stink or--

Oh she's here!!!
Uhhh let me fix my hair real quick....


[Hori] : Hi Izumi!! Nice to see you!

Nice to see you too! You are really pretty today..//

[Hori] : Thank you, I think you look really cute too!

(Mind: ♡♡♡)

In school:

Hori, what is the first class?

[Hori] : its biology! Did you study?

Study??.. For what??

[Hori] : Well.. the test?.

What test.......

[Hori] : You don't remember? The teacher said that we will be writing a test about the inside of the ear!

. . .

[Hori] : Alright! Come with me!

-they go to the rooftop where they're alone-

[Hori's viewpoint]

Since Miyamura didn't study I made him come with me to the rooftop where is silence so I can help him study. We had 10 minutes before class so I had to hurry!

-time skip-

After the test:

[Miyamura] : Hori! Thank you so mutch for helping me study, I knew most of the things so it will be fine!

Im glad to hear that! I did pretty good too!

[Miyamura] : Uhm I know Its kinda sudden to ask but do you want to go to the amusement park with me at the weekend?

Omg I would love to come with you!♡

[Miyamura's viewpoint]

Im so happy that she is coming////


-time skip-

Im already home and Im packing my bags because we're gonna stay there for 1 night! Its my first time sleeping in one bed with her so Im nervous..
But if it makes her uncomfortable then I will sleep on the floor, i've already decided it.

-bbzzz bzzt-

Oh , Hori is calling me!

[Hori] : Hii, how are you?

Hi, Im fine! What about you?

[Hori] : Im excited ! I can't wait for the trip!

Me too! But Im kinda nervous tho.

[Hori] : Why are you nervous?

Do you promise that you won't laugh at me?

[Hori] : I promise!

Im kinda afraid because this will be my first time sleeping somewhere else😅

[Hori] : It will be fine! We're gonna have a lot of fun , Im bringing cards to play with!

Well of you say so then I trust you!♡

[Hori] : Its pretty late so Im gonna go now, because I still have to read a book for Shouta!^^

Alright! See you tomarrow morning then! Im gonna come over and we can ask your dad to take us there!

[Hori]: Good idea! See you!♡


I can't wait for tomarrow

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