
372 5 4

-days after the trip-

[Hori's viewpoint]

Its a usual morning again, but I have a little surprize for Souta! He's been telling me for a few days that he wants to play with Miyamura-kun. I FEEL LIKE SOUTA STOLE MY BOYFRIEND😭

The suprize is that I invited Miyamura-kun to stay over for 2 days straight! Im kinda nervous but I can't wait to see how happy Souta will be.

Miyamura is coming over today at 1PM so I have to hurry to make food.
Im making sushi because Souta really loves it.

-30 mins later-
Alright! Everything is done, now I just have to wait for Miyamura to arrive! Souta still don't know that he's coming over so it will be a great surprize for him!

-ding dong-

[Souta] : Horii! Someone's at the door!

Im washing the dishes! Can you open it??

[Souta] : Yess!!

-Souta opens the door-

[Miyamura] : Hi Souta!

[Souta] :  -gasp- MIYAMURAA!!

-Souta hugs Miyamura-

Hahaha, Souta you are happier to meet Miyamura than me now?

[Souta] : You know its not like that!! I still love you too!!

Okay okay!

[Souta] : Why is there a bad with you?

[Miyamura] well..!

Miyamura! Can you come to help me a little??!

[Miyamura] : Uh sure! 1 minute Souta!

[Souta] : Okayy! I'll wait!

---in the kitches-----


Don't tell Souta that you will stay here in the night, I want to surprize him!

[Miyamura] : Oooooh alright! So when are you gonna tell him?

I don't know yet, we'll see later!

[Souta] : ARE YOU TWO DONE ??


[Miyamura] : Hahaha

[Miyamura] : Sorry that we took long!

[Souta] : Its fiiine, but can you tell me why are you bringing clothes?

[Miyamura] : Hori told me that we nerd some for school so thats why.

Yes yes!

By the way Souta, Miyamura will be here for a while, do you wanna play some video games with him?


[Miyamura] : Coming!!

-Little time skip-

-Hori walks in the room-

Guyss! I made sushi!!

[Souta] : MIYAMURA! How do you always win?!!

[Miyamura] : Hahaha im the king of the games!!

[Souta] : No because im gonna beat you so I can be the king!!

[Miyamura] : Good luck hahaha!!

It seems you guys are having fun!

[Miyamura/ Souta] : Yess!

Can you two stop for a little?

[Souta] : Awhh.. whyyyy?

I made sushi!

[Miyamura/ Souta] : Sushi!! Yay!

-they sit down to eat-

[Souta] : Mmhm!! Yummy!!

Do you like it??

[Souta] : YESS!

[Miyamura] : Its really good! Can you teach me how to make it?

Sure but when?

[Miyamura] : Tonight?


[Souta] : Huh? What do you mean tonight?

Surprize Shouta! Miyamura will stay here all night for 2 days!

[Souta] :  REALLLYYY???? YAYYY!

[Miyamura] : Hahaha! Im happy that you accept me here Souta!


-Souta hugs Miyamura-


-Hori hugs Miyamura-

[Souta] : Let goo!! He's mine!!

No you let go!

[Miyamura] : H-heyy?! There's a lot of time that we can share!..

[Souta] : So are you gonna play with me first?!

[Miyamura] : Souta, when is your bed time?

[Souta] : 9 pm why?

[Miyamura] : Im gonna play with you till 9 pm and then im gonna talk with hori for a while.

Good idea!

-time skip-

-9 pm-

Souta! Its 9 PM. You should go to sleep.

[Souta] : Awhh.. only 5 more minutes!!

5 more minutes but after that you have to go.

-5 mins later:

[Miyamura] : Im getting tired too..

[Souta] : Awhh..

[Miyamura] : Don't worry we can play tomarrow too! But now you need to go to sleep alright?

[Souta] : okayy!


Miyamura you are a really good dad!

[Miyamura] : W-WHAT? /////

By the way, now that Shouta is asleep do you want to stay in my room?

[Miyamura] : s-sure..

-in Hori's room-

[Miyamura] : You have a beatifull room!!

Thankss! Come sit down on the bed!

[Miyamura] : Alright!

So how is it?

[Miyamura] : Huh? what do you mean?

How is it staying here overnight?

[Miyamura] : ..I love it..

-Hori kisses Miyamura-

[Miyamura] : ///////////

Then you have to come over more often /////

[Miyamura] : Y-yes... ///////

Do you wanna continue?.. /////////

[Miyamura] : s-sure.. ////////////

..there was a heat within us....

Miyamura X Hori [CUTE]Where stories live. Discover now