My First Kiss

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  I can't believe that Parker was so mean today! I also can't believe that I told him we couldn't be friends anymore. I can't imagine a world where Parker and I aren't friends. I went to Parker and mine's spot, the water where we always catch crayfish. I was throwing rocks in the water and just thinking.

Sara told me I should just move on and be with Zak but it's not that easy. It's been Parker and I forever and I do mean that. He's only a couple of months older than me so it's been since the day I was born I've known this boy. He's been there for me through everything, and I've been there for him. Now we are starting to drift apart, and I don't like it.

I whipped the rock in the water and just started crying. I couldn't hold the tears in anymore.

I don't know how long I was crying but I heard a twig snap and when I looked up Parker was standing there.

He kneeled beside me and reached out his arms and despite everything that was going on right now I jumped into his arms and just cried.

He was hugging me and saying over and over how sorry he was.

Finally, my tears dried up and I just looked at him and he looked down at me.

 "Tink, I am so sorry for everything that I said to you. I didn't mean it and I have no excuse for why I acted like such an idiot. I don't want to lose my best friend. I couldn't picture my life without her."

I kept looking at him and felt any anger towards him melt away. "Oh, Parker! I'm sorry too, I never should have said we weren't friends anymore! If you don't want me with Zak, then I won't be."

He finally pulled back, and we both sat down on the edge of the creek. He turned to look at me.

"No, if you like Zak then you be with him. I mean he is a really good guy, so I know he won't hurt you or anything. I never should have given you an ultimatum. That was not fair of me."

I nodded my head. "I appreciate you saying that. But I don't know if I'm ready for a boyfriend. I mean what if he wants to kiss me or something? I don't have the first clue about how to kiss and would be too nervous about screwing it up. This is one of those times I wish Sadie was home so she could explain what to do."

Parker was just letting me talk and waited until I was done before he started talking. "You know somebody telling you how to kiss wouldn't help you."

"Have you kissed anybody, Parker?" He shook his head, and I was surprised. I thought that he would have said yes.

"Nope, I mean Amber has been trying to kiss me, but I always give her my cheek."

Then he looked out at the water before he said something I would never forget. "You know I could kiss you. Then when it was time for you to kiss your boyfriend, you wouldn't be so nervous."


Did I just say what I think I said? She is going to think that I am nuts for suggesting that. She surprised me though when she looked at me and nodded her head. She then said something that I would never forget.

"Ok Parker, you can kiss me, and then when the time comes, I won't be so nervous."

I stood up and wiped off my pants then reached my hand down to her. She reached up slowly and grabbed my hand, and I pulled her up. She wiped off her pants and then looked me in the eye.

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