Chapter 16: The Treasure Seekers

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"For why's that dopey-looking Slytherin boy spying on our Quidditch practice?"

Skye had her hands on her hips, glaring at Barnaby, who was sitting in the Quidditch stands, watching the as the Hufflepuff team started their practice as they always did: balancing on their broomsticks on one leg. Artemis crossed her arms in front of her chest and tried not to fall off Tonks' broomstick as she turned to scowl at Skye.

"He's not dopey-looking," she said, indignantly. "And he's not spying, either. Just watching."

"What for, though?"

"Because he's my boyfriend, that's why."

It was true. Barnaby and Artemis had been boyfriend and girlfriend for three whole weeks now. Artemis was surprised that Skye hadn't heard, given the usual speed at which gossip spread around Hogwarts, especially once Penny knew about it.

Besides, it was hardly like it was a secret. They'd been spending almost all of their free time together: eating meals in the Great Hall, revising in the library, feeding the various creatures in the paddocks. Artemis had to admit that she found Barnaby's desire to help her carry her schoolbooks between lessons a little unnecessary, especially when they didn't have the same timetable, but he looked so happy when she let him that she felt bad saying no.

Today was Sunday, and the two of them had plans to take Scully for a walk around the grounds. Before they could do that, though, Artemis had to go to Quidditch practice. It was the Hufflepuff team's last session before their second game of the season, and it was already unusually tense. Perhaps Artemis shouldn't have agreed to Barnaby's request that he come along and watch, but it was too late now.

"Have you managed to find any clues about that broomstick yet?" Artemis asked Skye, in an attempt to change the subject.

"Naw, that Rath's crafty, I'll give her that," Skye muttered. "But I heard several people mention that she stole it, so the truth is bound tae come out soon."

"So, other people think she stole it, too?"

"Aye. I told yer wee pal Penny that it was a sure thing, and now everyone kens about it."

Artemis frowned. That didn't seem like a very good idea to her. As certain as Skye was that Erika Rath had stolen her broomstick, she had no proof, and Artemis couldn't see why Erika would even bother stealing a broomstick from her anyway. Starting rumours couldn't help matters one bit, could it? Before she could say anything more about it, however, Orion noticed the two of them talking, and quickly put a stop to their conversation.

"I applaud your wish to bond with each other," he sighed. "As a family, our team has to connect in order to work together. However, the lion is a dangerous predator, and so is the team flying under its banner. If we do not focus on finding the balance within us that we need to succeed, the chances of escaping the lion's claws are daunting."

As always, Artemis nodded at Orion's words, despite not fully understanding their meaning. From the ground below, Murphy McNully called up to them.

"The chances are already daunting," he said, cheerfully. "Around a ten percent chance of success for you lot, I'd say. Hufflepuff haven't beaten Gryffindor in a House Cup match for six years."

"How dae you ken that? Ye have nae been here for six years!"

"Murphy might not, but I have," said Orion, standing on two feet on his broomstick and from there lowering himself into a sitting position. He bowed his head to indicate that the others should follow suit. "And though a victory is improbable, I do not think that it is impossible."

"Nothing is impossible in statistics, nor in Quidditch," Murphy nodded. "You just need a decent strategy."

"So, what do we do?" Artemis asked. Orion looked at her and smiled serenely before addressing the team once more, a more purposeful tone to his voice now.

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