Hybrids On the Run

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Once the window smashed, in a quick moment of thought Checklist slipped out and dropped down into the dumpsters below. He covered his mouth to quiet his noises of pain. He looked to the side of him to see half of his wing in the dumpster.

His wing was now gone. He peaked behind him to get a look, it was dripping blood down the back of his sweater. He gasped quietly, it looked like it should hurt a lot more than it did. He was lucky he only lost a wing. He could have lost both! Or even his life!

The young cat dragon held back tears as that realization sunk in. His parents were dead, he didn't know where his brother was, and he almost just died.

What was he going to do?

Donavan heard the 3rd gunshot. As soon as he heard it he ran out his door and into the living room. That where he saw the blood. And the dead bodies of his parents. The second time he had to see that.

The 8 year old felt like he had some kind of curse. There's no way this was happening.

He heard footsteps up stairs again and ran out the door, nearly tripping over his father's dead body. He ran around back into their ally, seeing his brother.

They locked eyes. Donavan, out of breath, stood still, breathing heavily. Checklist, also breathed heavily, though his was more from the loss of blood rather than the fear or panic.

The grey hybrid was the first to move, running up to the dumpster and pulling checklist out by his paws.
"Ow ow-" Checklist whined as he climbed out of the dumpster.

Donavan huffed as he took a look at his elder brother's wing.
"What happened?" He asked, attempting to wipe away some of the blood dripping out with his sleeve, but failing miserably.
"The guy tried to shoot me. . ." Mumbled the pastel brown cat dragon, he himself wiping a bit of blood from his own nose that he didn't even realize was there.

The shock didn't seem to hit him yet, he was bleeding out, missing parts of himself, and probably had a few more fractures in his legs from when he fell out the window. Though he seemed to hold a straight face.

Donavan looked into his brothers eyes once more, he saw himself in those eyes. A broken child who just witnessed horrific things. He remembered that feeling well. He was surprised he didn't feel it now.

Checklist broke eye contact by looking away behind them. Seeing the flames of a fire burning in the distance. Donavan followed his gaze and saw it as well. They both watched as a small fire burst into a large, loud flame.

The younger of the two gasped loudly,
"Checklist let's go!" He shouted, grabbing his brothers paw and pulling his brother's almost mesmerized gaze away from the dancing flame.

They ran out to the farthest backs of their small town, met with a large forest. Donavan turned to see his home now in flames, it took a lot out of him to keep the tears back.

Before long they rushed into the forest, seeking to find a way out before the flames from the town reached the woodlands they wandered.

After a bit of wander, Donavan eventually saw train tracks. Perfect! he thought, It'll be just like the movies where people are on the run!
"Look Checklist!" He pointed out. The brown cat dragon turned to see them.
"Woah!" He exclaimed, running past Donavan to get there.

"C-Checklist wait up!" He ran after his brother until he felt the ground slightly shaking. He looked towards the tracks and saw them rattling. "CHECKLIST STOP!"

Checklist came to a halt, looking to his brother in confusion.
"What-" He was cut off by a loud train horn and the wind behind him from the train rushing along the tracks. It pushed him forward a bit, he turned around and watched the fast movement of the train.

Donavan caught up and grabbed his brothers paw once more.
"Come on." He told him, running up towards the train. Checklist kept up until Donavan let go to jump up on the ladder hooked to the back of one of the cars.

Checklist ran along with the train, waiting for Donavan to climb up first before jumping up onto the small ledge on the end of the car and getting up onto the ladder. Donavan helped his brother up onto the top of the train with him and sat down. Checklist followed suit.

They rode the train for hours, meeting a few other stragglers along the tracks. Many of them were surprised at how young they were and offered to help but they turned down the kind furs.

Eventually it started to get dark, Donavan turned to his brother to see him sleeping against his shoulder. He smiled, turning away and looking up at the stars. He struggled to keep his eyes open as he gazed across the constellations above.

The train soon came to a stop and Donavan turned back to his brother and shook him awake,
"Checklist- Checklist!" He whispered
"What. . ." Mumbled Check, rubbing his eyes and stretching uncomfortably.

"Come on, let's get of the train. We'll find shelter together." He said, sitting up a bit more while taking Checklist's paw once more. His brother blinked a few times before inevitably following.

They climbed down the ladder and looked up at the small city in front of them. It seemed a bit western. A deserted feel came from the sandstone homes. Donavan squinted his eyes at the flags along the flag pole, seeing the familiar symbol of the fur alliance along one of the flags.

The young hybrid sighed in relief, pulling Checklist farther into the town to see if they could find an of inn or any other place of the sort. They walked down the streets into the dark unknown to find sleep and solidarity.

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