Dream or real

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Regina's pov 

Ugh I get up from my bed and run to the bathroom to throw up my guts. I finish brushing my teeth and go back to bed. I check my phone and see I have a message from robin.

Robin: good morning Beautiful ❤️

Regina: good morning babe ❤️😘

Robin: beautiful would you like to go to granny's for breakfast with me and Roland. 

Regina: sorry I don't feel so good today 

Robin: oh no it ok I will pass by later , do you need anything right now

Regina:not it's ok babe I will see you later love you 😘 

Ugh I feel like I'm going to throw up I run to the bathroom again. After I'm done I go to the kitchen when I stop dead in my tracks, I hear a knock on the door. I walk over to see that it's robin.

"Hey beautiful I brought breakfast " he says as he lifts up the granny's bag

"Awww babe thanks" I say as I kiss him 

I move so he can come inside 

"Here I got you some onions rings and grilled cheese and some coffee "

"Thanks" I don't know why but I was so hungry I ate all of it in less than 5 minutes 

"Whoa babe you must be really hungry "

"Must be from throwing up." I say as I pick up my coffee when suddenly I get the urge to trow up run to the bathroom with robin behind he hold my hair up and rubs my back 

"You ok " 

"Yeah " I say standing up 

We walk back to the kitchen when we're there he starts to disappear  "Robin! Robin! " I yell over and over again.

  "Regina wake up." I heard someone I opened my eyes just to realize it was just a nightmare then I sit up and run to the bathroom. Snow comes after me and holds my hair.

"It's ok." She says as she rubs my back like Robin did in my dream.

"God this baby is going to be the end of me." I say 

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