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      Ava pov 

"Who are you?" I ask a little scared 

"I'm Lucy Mills" she says smiling 

"Who are you " Lucy ask me 

"I'm Ava Locksley, nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too , Ava what are you doing at my grandma's house " 

Your grandmas house I thought to my self 

"Lucy, Ava" we heard a voice 

"In the kitchen " we say at the same time 

Mom comes to the kitchen "Ava are you ready to go" 


"Let's go " mom says 

    Regina's pov 

Purple smoke surrounds me and the girls and we arrived at grannies 

"Hey mom"  says Henry come to me and gives me a hug 

From the corner of my eye I see Ava confused 

I hug Henry back and say hi to everyone else 

     Snow pov 

I see a girl that I have never seen before. I stand up and walk over to her 

"Hi sweetie what's your name?"

She looks at me then looks at a another direction I followed her gaze and it landed on regina 

Regina looks at her then nods 

"I'm Ava .... Ava Locksley" she says looking at me 

"I'm Snow, Snow White but you can call me Snow or Mary Margaret".

"Wait" says Zelena now everyone is paying attention to her 

     Zelena pov 

I stand up and walk to the girl 

I look at her up and down while she stares at me 

'She kinda looks familiar' I think to my self  then it finally clicked 

"NO WAY, NO WAY, NO WAY" I say laughing looking at Gina 

She rolls her eyes 

"Sis you want to explain?"

       Regina pov 

I guess Zelena figured it out 

"Regina what does Zelena mean?" says Emma 

I walk over to Ava "This is Robin's daughter" 

"Hi" says Ava 

"Wait I thought that robin only had one daughter" says Hook 

"Regina is that-? " says snow 

I nodded. She walks over and hugs Ava 

      Snow pov 

I walk over to Ava and give her a bear hug 

"Oh my god your so big. Last time I saw you, you were a little baby " I say putting her down and admiring her while she smiled back at me 

"You know her?" Charming, Emma, Henry and Hook ask at the same time 

"Yeah" I respond 

      Regina pov 

      "This is Ava..... Mine's and Robin's daughter " I saw and they all look at me in shock 

"So I have a little sister " says Roland 


"And I have another little sister" says Henry 


     Ava pov 

Everyone comes over to me and says hi and introduce them self 

"Wait Gina I thought that you could not get pregnant " says auntie Zelena 

I sit at the booth 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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