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     Ava POV 

Mom come over to me and gives me a hug 

" you Ok" she whispered  soft while given me a hug 

" yeah " I respond 

" hey why don't you go up stairs and pack" she says letting go of me 

" yeah"I say recovering from the shock  


                                                                              A few minutes later     

Reginas POV 

" are you ready "I ask my daughter

" yeah"  

We say good bye to Johanna and Ava gives her a hug.I grab the bean from my pocket and say ' storybooke' in my mind , trow the beanies jump through the portal 

   Ava POV 

We arrived in storybooke and started walking to mom house 

  At regina house 

" ok here is your room" mom says as she opened the door 

"Why don't you un pack them we will meet everyone at grannies "

I nodded my head and started to unpack 

                                                                                 A few minutes later

"Mom" I yell as I walk down the stairs 

"Mom" I say again no respond I look for her in the kitchen when I heard a voice 

"Hello" says the voice 

" hi" I say in a small voice 

"I'm not going to hurt you " says the voice and come closer to me as It comes closer I realize it a girl 

" who are you " I ask a little scared 

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