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You were on your way back from the store after buying some real food, why? It's because you finally fixed that broken stove that your shack came with...partly. You only fixed the stove and not the oven

And I know what your saying, how can someone this young can fix an entire stove? Let's just say there is a construction manual and some tools behind your shack, it only took you 10 months to repair it but it's worth it

Now you won't have to eat ramen, fast foods, and cereal every day

As you got back to the shack you started setting up your stuff until you got to the last brand from the grocery bag

"Damn it! Forgot the freaking cookbook." You said slapping your own face/head

You can't cook without that book so you went out again

As you made it out of the forest you heard someone crying, it sounds like it belongs to Susie...?

You walked over to where the sound is and then you saw her, with her knees covering her eyes

Of course you're not leaving her like this so you approach her, nervously

"Umm hello Susie." She quickly rubs her eyes before looking up

"Oh *sniff* i-it's you."

"Hey what's wrong? It kinda looks like you've been crying for an hour now, I mean you do know it's dangerous out here right?"

"And why would you care?"

"Susie. I'm super close to your brother, if anything I should care about the people he loves"

"*sigh* I don't really wanna talk about it right now." The both of you stood there awkwardly for about a few seconds until you spoke

"If it'll help. how about you come with me to the mall?"

"Really? Ew no."

"Are you sure? It'll get your mind off things"

"...ok fine but If your about to do something to me I will call the cops."

You sighed and nodded your head

You can't really blame her for not trusting you, she doesn't really know the reason why you always wear a mask and why the police are after you. And maybe you running away from the police is the reason why she has this attitude towards you.

There was an awkward silence between both of you while you were walking down the streets, and you didn't want to be in this awkward position for much longer so you spoke

"Soo... what do you wanna get?"


"I mean you're coming to the store with me so might as well tell me what you want to eat or to get-"

"I don't need anything from you."

"Ok...well ehh.. well- mayyybbeee-"

"I gotta question though. Why are you hiding from the police with a mask on? And why do you always hang out with my brother?"

"... j-just...I ran away."

"What?" Before you could answer you saw the mall

"Oh hey look at that we're here!" You said, then you started to walk a little faster trying to avoid the questions, you even forget why you bring her with you to the mall in the first place

"Hey! Answer the question!" She then runs after you

As the both of you made it to the entrance you just apologized to her and then entered, she still wants you to answer the question though but she guess she had to wait.

After a few minutes of searching the two of you made it to the cookbook section the mall somehow got

"That's it? A cookbook is what you're after?"

"Listen I'm 14, I don't know how to cook. And I just finished shopping before I realize I didn't buy the book so shut up"

"Well maybe if you help your parents with cooking you won't need a cookbook"

You just frown under your mask

Even though you're free from all of the pressure that your parents gave you

You still want them to love you and to be proud of you for once

All you ever wanted was a normal loving family.

"Uhh you ok?" You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at Susie for a second before answering

"Oh! Um- yeah every thing's all good yeah."

Both of you walked over to the cash register but before you gave your money to the cashier you saw a police officer holding up a picture of you to random people

"shoot! Come with me if you want to live!" You whisperly yelled at Susie while you throw the money at the poor cashier

You grab her arm and quickly ran

She was confused for a sec but manages to find out what was going on

"Ok y/n where are we going?"

"Anywhere where the police can't find us, in the forest maybe?"

"What!?" When you made it out through the door she quickly pull her arm out of your grip

"There's no way I'm gonna get kidnap by a masked weirdo."

"Susie please just listen to me-"

"Nope. I'm not gonna. This was a terrible idea!"

"But..." You just stand there watching her walk away but then you spoke

"I thought we were gonna be friends."

She stops. and turns around to face you

"The reason why I hang out with your brother is because he and his friend are like a family to me. I ran away from home because my parents not giving me any love whats so ever. And when I misbehave or ruined any of my recitals...."

You rolled up your sleeve/glove/etc to reveal cuts on your wrist

"They hit me with a ruler. And even a knife if my father's drunk."

Susie had a worried look on her face and she was about to walk toward you but then she gasped, grabbing your arm and dragging you through the forest

"Wha- Susie what are you doing?"

"The police are after you, and tell me. Where do you live?" She ask giving you a smile

You just smiled back at her and told her to follow you


"So uhhh this is where you live?"

"Yeah it's not really that bad, I mean there's a working generator but I don't use it every often"

Susie just continues to explore the shack but as she turned to face you her jaw dropped when you removed your mask

"Hey so do you wanna do something today? Like you and me go prank someone?" You said which snapped her back to reality

"O-oh sure, I got the perfect target to prank"

That target happens to be her old friend group, turns out the reason why she was crying in the first place is that her old friend group dumped her and treated her like trash

The both of you had fun pranking them to death, and after that you and Susie set on top of your roof and have a great conversation

Long story short she became your partner in crime

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