Part 1: First contact

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((Your Bounty Hunter gear is a mix of Mandalorian Armor with your favorite color and NO BESKAR! Your tools consist of dart tranquilizers hidden within your gear, cuffs, a grapple dart, a dagger, and a modified Uzi 9MM that can single shot or full auto shot. A few items within a small backpack hitched to your armor where you also store the warrants for the Bounties. Finally while you're not fitted with ridiculous amounts armor you Do have padding that's saved your life a few times. While your helmet is something of a bucket, it's perfectly fitted to your head and you have had zero issues with it. Nobody knows your true identity. They know you as Solo as you run on your own always, also making fun of your armor barring a resemblance to the Star Wars Character Boba Fett and his connection to Han Solo. Your name will still be displayed as Y/n but many will call you Solo. Age 23. Height 6 feet Tall. Toned. Head strong. Martial arts Training. Well off with weapons you have. Quick to adapt. Lonely...))
(Please note: this Short chapter is introducing your character and small contact with Her. True face to face moments happen in Part 2 and on.)

When you were a teenager your parents were murdered by a Chicago gang. After being beaten yet spared... You knew that you'd kill them somehow. You Originally became a Bounty Hunter as you discovered the gang leader had a bounty on them. In the beginning you were quite inexperienced only knowing slight fighting skills but you managed to remove the gang, some were put under watch of a larger gangster named Virgil. They paid you quite well and you remained in that position to help others and yourself.
While you hated Virgil this work fit you and let your anger out, however It was only a matter of time before you put him down as well. Bounty hunting was illegal in certain states so you traveled around depending on where it was and wasn't legal; putting some bounty's away, brought them to those who collected, or brought them back to the big man. Dead or alive.
From the age of 17-23 you remained a bounty Hunter earning plenty of cash, living on the low as yourself and living somewhat high as Fett. You spent many birthdays celebrating alone since your family was gone. Virgil dug up info on you and found your birth date approached from your Twentieth up to now he always offered one of his girls to you as he ran a brothel on the side. You never accepted the offers for many reasons; you never wanted a random night with some girl who probably hated her situation, you never wanted a one night stand, and you much preferred to meet someone legitimately which was mostly out of reach by this point of your life. Virgil and the others by his side mocked you for not Wanting some tail but you paid no mind to them. You knew Everyone did have respect for you so you didn't care when jokes were thrown your way. You didn't care what anyone thought... not yet
As your Twenty third birthday approached, your hope to find something of a true mate was gonna come true. The night before you'd been keeping an eye on your latest Bounty. Hayden Parker... running girls and smuggling drugs underneath his Commissioner police position. In the state of Indiana, Bounty hunting was legal therand you prepared to take him down, the heat would come along since he was commissioner but you sure could get it done.

Y/n: It was a cool spring night in March, I awaited and watched as Hayden left for his operation. Nobody in that Police station was smart enough to know what he was doing. I awaited on the rooftop to follow once he went inside the warehouse, it hadn't been in operation since the 1987 so no officers ever suspected anything. Nobody checks anything around here until it's loud and public. I instantly heard yelling and "excitement" inside. This is where the fun begins

Hayden: Alright Ladies, time to get movin! He knocked on sectioned off parts of the room while his men laughed Get these girls ready! Bill, how much have we sold?

Bill: Just today... under 5 kilos sir

Hayden: Haha, You're fucking with me right?

Bill: No sir...

Hayden: Shit... well what's the problem?!?

Bill: Haven't you heard how many dealers and buyers have been taken off the streets?

Hayden: I have noticed the cells and body bags pilling up somewhat, I got it bad now... ugh fuck sake. What about the girls?

Bill: They're tired sir, but we're still getting plenty out a day.

Hayden: We're gonna move this operation up north, I've got some friends up their.

Bill: Do we bring the girls? And what about your position of power?

Hayden: I'll figure it out, this'll be our last night here, now get this girls out and on the streets. Contact some of the boys too.

Y/n: As I sat in the rafters I began knocking out a few of his men with the darts. They watched as each man passed out and the girls gasped. The remaining men by Hayden's side pulled their guns out

Hayden: What the hell? WHO'S IN HERE? He made his way back to an office without walls and started unlocking a safe

Y/n: I jumped down and bashed one in the back of the head yanked the other into a headbutt knocking both out quickly as I noticed Hayden come forward with a... Oh shit it's one of those new techno guns!
I rolled out of the way as he missed his shot. The laser like effect flew past me and hit the wall, I quickly shot the grapple attempting to tie him up! The rope surrounded him he shot once more shooting his own foot clean off while cauterizing the wound

Hayden: AAAHH GOD! He fell to the ground You! You son of a bitch! YOU'RE THE ONE RUINING MY OPERATION!

Y/n: Relax Commissioner. I have a warrant for your arrest Dead or Alive I pulled my Uzi out It's your choice.

Hayden: Y-you said it yourself! You know who I am and you can't prove anything here!

Y/n: Incorrect, pal. The warrant I have states everything illegal you have going on down here. I have connections as well

Hayden: Son of a bitch... you're Solo right? I've heard of you. Someone's gonna get you one day. You and your ridiculous Star Wars get up! I don't care how many Bounties you've taken down, how many criminals are gone because of you, you've ruined my business and I'll ruin you!

Y/n: While he was monologging one of his men behind me rose up and aimed his pistol, I sighed and turned to aim your Uzi and as I did something flew into his back quickly and making him scream, shoot the gun, and fall to the ground What the hell?
I looked around and saw nothing, the poor women were frightened more than ever and then I spotted a yellow glow... then I noticed a shape scurry away agile and swiftly What the... i starred for a second Right, now let's uh... let's finish up here I went to the downed Commissioner and pulled him up, he wasn't bleeding out but I wanted to get him where he needed to go. I found a pay phone and called the nearest station to make sure the women would be taken away safely and make reports, and for the knocked out men to be taken away.
By the time the police arrived I was gone and had taken the commissioner to the station myself and as usual, I had guns pointed toward me. With much explanation and showing the warrant, Hayden Parker was out and I was allowed to leave. The Sheriff told me the cash would be on its way sometime and severely thanked me. I began my journey home on a motorcycle I borrowed from a fellow bounty Hunter as she didn't need it much anymore. It was very late and I'd wondered my whole journey home, what the hell killed that man? Something was there, it was camouflaged! We don't have that kind of technology yet, we have those crazy laser guns and gear but nothing like that yet. By the time I made it home it was 9:13 AM and I was very tired. I'd worry about my camouflaged savior later on.

Previous night-P/n: As the Masked boy left the place I quickly entered the facility. In the back was left plenty of Yautja like tech of ours. I set the bomb but not to explode too soon as I didn't wish to harm the women here. I have nearly completed my mission of destroying traces of us left behind, I was only a section of Yautja to aid in that. There was plenty more to go.
I followed the human back to his home and watched as he entered in the early morning hours. He was a smart and skilled hunter, perhaps he could be my greatest effort to a trophy, perhaps he can give me a challenge for once. Soon I will reveal myself to him.

Female Predator (Yautja) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now