Y/n: I said... Let me come with you!
P/n: "You want to come with me?"
Y/n: Yes! I don't want you to leave but I can't change that, so I want to come with you. There's nothing for me here... now more than ever. I have nothing!
P/n: He would be the first male any of us brought to our planet. I do want his presence around as I've grown fond of him, however I'm not sure what the reception would be as the last human betrayed us.
Y/n: Please, let me come with you. I've really enjoyed my time around you and I want it to continue that time. I know it's only been two days but I really like you! I have feelings for you It was like word vomit, it all came out at once I know this is weird but listen to me... You're not a human but I've found more intrigue and relatability within you, you're skilled, strong, and in a strange way I... I find you beautiful. My admiration for you has crossed to affection... I realized I said too much and stopped speaking as she stared at me, clicking and head titling as I stood confused
P/n: Feelings, Admiration, and Affection? I have felt some way toward Y/n but I'm not supposed to. There aren't many Yautja to find a human mate and be accepted, perhaps something can change. I looked at him while he now looked worried. I wish to assure him not to be "Normally we don't express our feelings or show it to humans. However you have seen another side of me; a side I didn't believe could exist, I believe that I want to with you.
You're a skilled and unique human and In our culture; you would have proved yourself worthy to be my mate. You already have my respect and you are worthy for me. I would like you to come along and be my Mate"Y/n: As she went on I felt less nervous as the affection went both ways, she kinda flipped it on me as she wants ME to be her mate! I thought I was just going to be a delusional boy with a crush on an Alien, instead I'm a weird boy with a mate for an Alien. You really think I'm worthy to be... with you?
P/n: I nodded and stepped off the ship "You won't need much if you're coming along. Leave your firearm, bring necessities with you" He understood and ran off quickly as I got the ship ready. I felt a sense of completion, more than the thrill of the hunt.
Y/n: I ran inside my home one last time, I'm not sure how long I was going to be gone but I wanted to stay with her by any means necessary. I fell in love and now I want nothing more but to be around her, it wasn't the smartest thing but I've never felt this close to someone in years. I gathered my toiletries and some food, not sure what she eats as I never asked.
I set my Uzi in its place and closed the closet. All I had now was my Dagger, darts, my gauntlets, my padding, and my helmet. I shut the breakers off, grabbed my bag, and locked the place up tight. I placed the key under the porch and ran off to the ship. I saw her waiting for me as the ship was fired up.
She held her hand out and helped me up as the ship was hovering Thanks... we went and sat in the cockpit as she entered coordinates to her home planet. How long will it take us? She tapped a few controls and hit some switches then the ship flew into a huge speed as we exited earth.P/n: "A few hours. Do not worry"
Y/n: I placed my helmet in my lap and looked in a rear window space as earth became a small ball. Amazing... and good riddance.
P/n: I looked over to him and he looked quite nervous. I didn't share the same type of emotions humans did but I have studied them, I reached for his hand and held it. He looked over to my hand then me and smiled. I have a different way of showing affection but now isn't the time. "Will you be alright?" (yes she's holding your hand and doing sign language, shhhhhh)
Y/n: Yeah... it's just interesting to be up here.
P/n: "Do not worry, I'm with you" He smiled at me, although I couldn't smile at him I attempted to appear more docile. I began to wonder how he would be received, there would most likely be complaints, challenges, and ideas.
Female Predator (Yautja) X Male Reader
FantasiaThey may rarely leave their planet and probably wouldn't bat an eye toward a human male without respect, but we can dream can't we? You're a bounty Hunter in an alternative 1999; Bounty hunting is illegal in many states and country's but you go wher...