Chapter 3

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The question hit me hard and I could unconciously feel my heart rate begin to quicken.

"Luce? You still there?"

I drew in a sharp, quick breath. I have to act natural. "Oh! Yah! Of course! Where and when?"

I could hear Natsu chuckle over the phone, a deep, promising sound, like how thunder promises rain. "Would right now work? I can just come pick you up."

I looked down. I was still wearing my work attire, which consisted of a tight black jacket with a white shirt underneath and some dark grey jeans that fit snug around my thin waist. "I'm, um, in my work clothes..."

A pause.

Was I losing him? Did he like slutty, more revealing woman? Maybe women who worked weren't his type?

"That's fine. Where are you?"

This was it. I was getting asked out--not the other way around! I felt myself grin with excitement. Wait until the girls at work hear about this! "I'm near the boluvard, the one by Ew's Italian resturant."

He laughed again. "They should really consider changing that name."

I nodded in approval, forgetting he couldn't see me. "Anyways I'll be right they, k?"

"Can't wait!" I squealed, actually geniuly happy.

"Neither can I." He said, and I suddenly heard the beep, meaning he had hung up and was on his way.


(Levy's P.O.V.)

I swung on the swing in silence as I watched the sun sink beneath the lowering clouds, night steadily approaching. Letting out a sigh as the swing slowed to a stop, I kicked a small pebble that was once resting on the dirt. I had read many love novels, and, because of this, had turned into a hopeless romantic.

Jet and I had been dating for a few days now, and yet it didn't feel right. Whenever I was around him now, I felt uncomfortable, unsure. And I could tell by the way he looked at me he felt the same.

And, according to all those books, that wasn't how love was supposed to be.

Of course I couldn't tell the girls--after all, that would be letting them down. "Stupid Lu-Chan..." I grumbled, kicking yet another rock, a larger one this time, up into the air. It landed promptly in my lap.


I looked up, startled. "You're the truck guy," I exclaimed with sudden realization. He smirked and ruffled his long, black hair that flowed down his tall, muscular back.

"W-wait, what are you doing here?! Are you...following me...?" I squeaked, suddenly feeling very threathened.

He shook his head and his long, flowing hair shook with it. The man then shoved his hands into jean pockets, very baggy ones at that. His shirt had no sleeves; it was just a dark emerald with an old, faded number '1' printed on the front.

"No, I'm not." His voice was deep and tired, as if something had been wearing him down for a long time. He sat down on the dusty groud to rest and picked up a small, round pebble. "I just come here often to think, y'know?"

I didn't answer just continued to swing. For awhile that was the only sound, the squeak of the old, rusted swing set. "I guess I do know what you're talking about."

He looked up at me and smiled, the corners of his eyes, a dull red, crinkled. Even though he was sitting down and I was on a swing, he was still a lot taller. "I never did introduce myself, did I?" He stood up, dropping the pebble. "I'm Gajeel."

Smiling, I hopped off the swingset. "I'm Levy. Levy McGarden."

He arched an eyebrow, smirking. "And I'm Gajeel. Gajeel Redfo--"

"Redfox?! As in the Gajeel Redfox, the rock n' roll singer, my idol!? Omigod!" I squealed, jumping up and down. "I have your posters all over my wall and all these biographies..."

"Calm down, shrimp."

I suddenly caught myself. "I am, like, totally not a huge fan of yours or anything, so don't get a big head." I crossed my arms, in an attempt to make myself look more threathening. "And shrimp? What's with that?"

Gajeel sighed and looked up at the night sky, the silver stars glowing in the distance. The wind, cool and crisp, blew through our hair, and I found myself staring at Gajeel. He looked so tough and so strong, yet here he was, looking at the sky, the clouds, his eyes full of a deep sorrow. I couldn't bring myself to say anything more, to break the scared silence.

And for awhile in that small, forgotten playground, it felt as if we were the only two people in the world.


(Lucy's P.O.V.)

" went all out..." I was seated at a table by our waitress who was dressed in somewhat of a tuxedo. She smiled at us, although it looked forced.

Natsu beamed as I said that, then sat down.

"I thought you'd like this place. My friend and I used to come here often..."

"Friend?" I whispered quietly. This doesn't exactly look like a place where two friends can go to eat then pig out.

He shook his head, dismissing it. "Anyways, after we eat, wanna ditch this place?"

Natsu had leaned across the table and was looking at me expectantly, grinning like a small child.

Without hesitation, I nodded. "Sure!"

Natsu settled back to his seat, content. "But in the about an eating contest, Luce?"

I grinned. "You're on, Dragneel."


(Juvia's P.O.V.)

A/N: instead of saying Juvia all the time, when Juvia thinks it'll be in first person.

I walked along the street under city lights, humming a melodic tune.

A soft, consistent breeze blew, brushing against my face.

"Ah, lucky to already have a steady..." I whispered.

I was about to cross the street, half way finished, until I felt a heavy impact.

My body lurched forward and I collided with the roof of the car, blood beginning to seep out of my throbbing head.

The driver suddenly slammed on their brakes and then drove off, probably not wanting to get involved, but it threw me off the car and back onto the road.

People swerved their cars to a stop, surrounding me. I could hear them murmuring and whispers, but their voices grew faint.

I wanted to speak, but I couldn't.

I wanted to move, to scream, but I couldn't.

I felt woozy, and my eye sight began to grow dimmer, and dimmer.

Until I blacked out completely.

A/N: Woot! Another chapter down! I hope you guys enjoyed this one, comments and support are appreciated :D bye for now and happy shipping!

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