School day

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A/N: This is a spin-off to I'm Home my finchal story. It's not a sequel it's basically Kitty's pov of sectionals :) honestly really love this

Kitty's pov


It's 7:15 am and I got out of bed and took off my pink blindfold which I sleep in to get my beauty rest.

Today is a Wednesday so I don't know why sectionals for glee club is today.

Back to my morning routine. I changed out of my pink silk pajamas and into my cheerios uniform. I put my hair up in a ponytail then tightly curled it. I went downstairs, made a smoothie that woke up my little brother but whatever, then I ate avocado toast. I had no time for waffles, I love waffles.

I saw the bus stop at my old bus stop. Imagine taking the bus in high school. I'm a senior with my own Porsche. Oh shoot I'm about to be late. I grabbed my backpack, my pom poms, and my car keys.

I turned on the car and got inside. My house is really close to the school, good. I turned up the radio, omg people are going to work stop talking about your personal love life no one cares, just play music! Ugh. I was only able to listen to 1 song because this radio host wouldn't shut up.

I parked my car and headed to my locker. I smiled once I opened it. WWQFD. What would Quinn Fabray do? I look up to her and aspire to be her.

After I got my books I walked with my Cheerio friends to my first period class. History is soooo boring. No one cares about how humans evolved into where they are today.

After what felt like more than 42 minutes, the class finally ended. I put these huge history textbooks away in my locker, grabbed a new textbook, and again walked to my next class.

That happened for the whole day, nothing new.

I had 9th (last) period with Spencer, who's my friend from glee club. I used to have a crush on him and wanted to date him. #1 because he was kinda hot before. #2 and the main reason was because Quinn was head cheerleader and was dating a football player (ya know before she was a preggo and he started dating Rachel Berry.) I want to be the non-preggo version of Q.

Last year Spencer came out as a 'post modern gay'. I just call him gay boy.

"Excited for sectionals?" He asked me.

I nodded. "But I have a mandatory Cheerios practice with Coach Roz Washington and Sue is coming to Lima, and see's seeing practice so we gotta be good. She is probably coming to ruin our chances of winning." I told him.

"True. But Rachel and Finn said we had a good chance of winning. We better. Like you, I have a mandatory Titans practice." He said.

"I will throw such a hissy if we don't beat those glee clubs." I rolled my eyes.

Madison and Mason ran up to us. "Hey guys, Finn just said that rehearsal is canceled since the 4 of us can't go and other school activities for the other less cool people." Madison told Spencer and I.


"Guys I'm actually excited for sectionals'. Who would've thought I'd be excited to dance and sing on stage with costumes and confetti." Spencer said. We all laughed.

"None of us that's for sure." Mason laughed.

"Especially Rodrick. He could've got you back for bullying you if he knew before glee." I said.

Spencer rolled his eyes.

"Did we get costumes?" Madison asked.

"Yeah, you two weren't there though. Don't worry I already saw them in the choir room. You'll put it on tonight." Spencer told the twins.

"Cool beans, well we gotta go to practice cya around." Mason said as Madison, Mason and I walked away from Spencer.


We got to the football field and saw the team practice.

Then Sue walked onto the field and of course she needed a huge entrance. Music was playing, news channels were filming for some reason, and Coach Sylvester got out of a weirdly decorated limo.

"Cheerios! Sue is now here! I will not be going easy but I will be going harder! If you girls work your tiny asses off I will end you! That's how Sue c's it!" Sue yelled through her megaphone.

So I worked my ass off. I did my flips and tricks and after literally 2 hours I was done.

Bree was looking at me but I just rolled my eyes.

Madison, Mason, and I walked out together.

"We aren't done with cheer yet. Still need to do some stuff at sectionals." I said.

"Oh I forgot about that haha." The twins said at the same time.

"Jinxs." Madison said.

"Twinsys!" The twins fist-pumped.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

"Bye, I'll see you later." I said bye to Mason while he went to the boys locker room.

"Bye cya, I'm excited." He replied.

I walked into the locker room with Madison and we talked about glee.

"So did you hear that coach Sylvester is gonna be at sectionals? Announcing. I knew she was gonna be there but did not think announcing." Madison asked.

"I mean she's Sue. An overachiever. And that's how Sue c's it." I laughed.

Madison fist-pumped me. She is probably my best friend since we bonded over a lot.

I rubbed the red towel over my forehead since I was sweating. I washed my hands because I have ocd then I grabbed my gym bag and my backpack then walked over to my car.

After I unlocked the car door I walked right in. Damn it's hot. I quickly turned up the air conditioning and then found a radio station. Finally, the radio was playing music! Oh it was actually playing Closer by the Chainsmokers, the song I'll be singing in around 2 hours with Rodrick.

Since cheerios practice ran late, there wasn't much time because I have to go back to the school to compete. Sadly we're #1 to perform.

I sang along to the radio and I sounded really good which isn't a surprise.


After the short ride I parked my car in the driveway.

I sat on the couch and watched some tv.

I turned on Scream Queens and immediately saw Rachel Berry's face because she plays Hester. I'm really annoyed that I didn't win the bet and Rachel didn't give me $100.

She's helping Finn with the glee club and sectionals.

They have so much chemistry that they are trying to hide, it's so annoying. Omg get together already. Have some common sense.

I changed the show to Riverdale. I binged so much of the series but then realized I had to get ready.

Day in the life as Kitty Wilde-Spin-off to I'm HomeWhere stories live. Discover now