Explaining the mission 2

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the spy plane made it to New York city and the team made it to the new High-Tech safe house that Ms.nowhere made when she was in LA and trying to find Layla and Tony

The High-Tech safe house had everything they need to get Shahi and they had there own rooms and High-teach beds,bathrooms,Kitchen and living rooms and Ms.nowhere had her own room and also Gary
Ms.nowhere Called the team to the meet room to explain the mission again (Layla knew where Shashi was but Shashi told her not to tell anyone or Shashi was going to hurt the person that Layla likes (that person is Tony)
Ms.nowhere:Shashi is doing something here in New York and you all have to figure it out what it is

Cisco:it better not be another weather machine

Echo: right like Shashi is going to use a weather machine Cisco

Cisco: you never know

Frostee:WAIT maybe it's not a weather machine like Cisco is saying all the time maybe I'm not right but it's Ms.nowhere cut him up

Ms.nowhere: can you get to the point Frostee!!!

Frostee: [sigh] fine a sh1ft3r race you know Shashi he wouldn't come to New York for something small not if you know what you are looking for

Tony:we know what are looking for let's search

Ms.nowhere: wait Toretto someone knows a lot about Shashi and that's Layla Gray

Layla Pov

OH NO Frostee figure it out that Shashi is here for a sh1ft3r race and Ms.nowhere knows that I know a lot about Shashi but I can't say anything or else Shashi will hurt Tony and i don't want that [still in her thoughts]

Tony: Layla? Layla?

Layla: yeah Toretto?

Tony: can we talk?

Layla: yeah I guess

Echo,Cisco,Frostee pov

why did Tony need to talk to Layla thats is weird

Tony and Layla go to the computer room

Layla: so what do you want to talk about?

Tony: about Shashi!

Layla: what about him [Nervous laugh]

Tony pov

why is Layla acting Weird it's like she hiding something from me/the team

Tony: are you hiding something from me?

Layla: no [Nervous laugh] why would I

Tony: because you always hide stuff about mission or your Personal life!

Layla: but I'm not

Tony: you can tell me anything you know that family tells family everything

Layla: you and family

Tony: so is there something wrong?

Layla: Promise me that you won't be mad

Tony: how can i promise something if i don't know what it is

Layla: but just tell me that you would not be mad at me

Tony: fine i promise but if this is bad i swear!

Layla: Shashi called me and told me to tell him what was our plan to stop him but because Ms.nowhere didn't say anything i told him that Ms.nowhere didn't say anything to me/the team

Tony: The whole entire time You lied to my face and said that nothing was wrong HOW COULD YOU.YOU LIED TO MY FACE AND THE TEAM TOO I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU


E,C,F: when you hear Tony Shout the means he is mad at something or someone and believe it or not but the only person who is with him is Layla


E/C: we can't

Ms.nowhere: if you can't then i will

Echo: you don't want to make him more mad nowhere

Ms.nowhere: the only one who is not here is Toretto and Gray

Echo: yeah

Tony Goes out of the computer room mad and doesn't talk to anyone and Layla goes after him to talk to him but Tony goes to his room but closes the door in Layla's face

Echo: Layla what did you say to him?

Layla: i can't say thats why i only told Toretto

Tony heard what Layla said and wanted to tell his team but Layla was there and Tony didn't want to say Layla face after what happened

Tony heard that everyone went to sleep so he went to the living room and saw Echo. it was Tony's opportunity to tell Echo what happened between Layla and him

Tony: hey Echo

Echo: Sup Tony

Echo: why were you so mad earlier

Tony: about that ummm Layla is working with Shashi and I GOT so mad at her that she lie to my face

Echo: you mean our faces not just our

Echo: do you like Layla?

Tony: umm what makes you say that

Echo: do you know why she didn't tell you or the team

Tony: she did because Shashi wanted to hurt me

Echo: then she was trying to Protect you

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