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I walked past my old home- how strange it felt! The house which I used to call my home now seemed to me as just another shabby quarter in the dusty streets. Somehow, it had lost its charm, now the silence seemed to me uncanny.

I walked through the ancient streets, past the old houses, past the familiar trees...

Nothing had changed, except the people. The old and young, both were dead and buried now. The War changed it all, or perhaps 'Time' was to be blamed.

Everyone had moved on, even Maman. I realised I too should do the same. But I could not move to America, oh no! I decided to take that secretary job which I had been offered in Moscow. The pay was not very good, but it'd do.

Yes, everyone had moved on. How Grandmother would've disapproved of us all leaving our home!

Poor old grandma! Oh dear God, how I hated her!

I know that to my dear readers, all this might seem bitter and cruel? Well, I don't deny that it is quite bitter...

I won't say that I always treated her kindly. I made it quite clear from the start that I hated her too! I was never very fond of her. To put it in more simpler terms, I positively couldn't stand her! Whenever I wrote letters to home, none of them were addressed to her. I know she would be hurt, but that was my intention!

I had long satisfied myself that no matter what I do, I'd never be able to please her. I was always the least favourite grandchild, a fact that I knew very well, and that she made it obvious to everyone else too.

But to keep it all fair and square, I shall say that no matter what her shortcomings, I've always and perhaps always will, regard her as a woman of strong character and will.

If it hadn't been for her, we would've been left without a home after my father died. If it weren't for her, I'd never have left home to continue my studies and become the independent woman that I'm today.

She was a distinct character, no doubt. It was difficult for me to ever love her, but I always admired her resolute and unswerving personality.

As I walked to the station, my lips moved in silent prayer. I prayed to God to look after my mother and father, to keep my brothers and sisters safe, wherever they were.

"The little birdie bade her final goodbye to her Grandmother as she boarded her train. She was leaving her nest, and as she supposed, perhaps for-ever!"

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