Part 2

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Days passed. Bright searched for him everywhere, but there was no sign of that pretty man. It's been almost a month, his energy and hope both were going down with every passing day. That pretty boy seems vanished in thin air.

Bright was down now a days, so Luke tried to fixed his mood a little. In evening, he took Bright to nearest restaurant; it has good food with nice ambience. They were sitting in bar area with alcohol, there was complete silence between them. Luke noticed a lonely feel in latter's eyes, it seems he lost something precious.

"Are you okay, Bright?" Luke asked in concern.

"I have lost all my hope." Bright took a small sip from his glass, "I have searched entire university, but I didn't find him." He sighed.

"Find who? That pretty boy?"

Bright only nodded in response. He had no energy left; he lost all hope as he didn't find anything about that pretty boy. He even tried to move on, but something hold him back.

"don't worry Bright. We will find him for sure."

"I don't think so, Luke. I have searched each and every department of university. But I didn't find him anywhere."

Luke frowned. It's really unusual to not find someone with an attractive face (as per Bright's words off course), girls go crazy over him, just like they trailed behind Bright and Luke almost every time. It's really annoying sometimes, specially, when they wanted an explanation of personal choices. "Umm...maybe he was a visitor."

"Visitor?" he frowned. Well, it's a possibility!

"Yeah. Maybe he is someone's local guardian came to meet him or her."

Bright pressed his lower lip with teeth, his frowned deepened. He never thought of this possibility before. If he was visitor or local guardian of someone, then it will be tough to find out that person. But if this true, college security guard never allowed some outsider without prior permission. So, they can find out names of those visitors of that day through register copy.

Bright's face lit up with that thought. He turned towards Luke happily, then again, his smile replaced with a frown. That pretty boy may be guardian of those three boys who were with him that day. They even help him to get up and collected his books! Is it possible to become local guardian of three grown up boys?!

"uhh Luke" he called, "is it possible to be a guardian of three boys?" Bright tried to clear his thoughts.

"Well off course. If he capable enough to be a guardian, then why not!"

"hmm" he sank in deep thought again, tried to find out a way to reach him. Well, if it possible to become a guardian of three grown up men, then what is next??

Suddenly Bright remember the word 'friend'. The boy who threatened Bright, referred that pretty boy as his friend, not brother or something else. Even pretty boy didn't look like older than that scary boy. All three of them looks like same aged.....and pretty boy also had books, collected by the other boy.

"Is it possible for a friend to become a guardian of his own friend?" Bright asked again.

"What???" Luke aback of this weird question.

"I mean, is it possible for you become my guardian?"

"First of all, I don't want to become guardian to a brat like you." He stated his point clearly, which made

latter pout, "and secondly, it's not possible as we are same aged."

Bright's face lit up again, finally he found a way, "it means, he was not their guardian. They are a group of friends." He exclaimed.

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