dead soldier germany x abused reader

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(y/a)=your age

It was a dark rainy night .(y/n) was walking though the dark wet allyways . Hopeing that the pain that her abusive boyfriend has infliced apon her to go away as she walked though the sad ally. tear stains went down her face, but with the rain no one could tell . She was tired but , she kept walking unknowing that a strict ,but still sweet german spirit was watching over her . Hours went by and(y/n) looks up and sees a dreadful sight . Her mother's tumb stone. She kneels down . Wiping the dirt and grim off the worn down stone. after paying her resects the girl walks around the old graveyard . Looking at the different names . She stops at a old tomb stone with the name "Legwig Beilscmidt" . Something about the tumb stone made the girl feel free from the fear and pain. Although the man was from WWII ,And he fought for the german side . it felt nice to finelly have some peace. legwig was now sitting on a tombstone behind the suffering girl along with the girls mother. Legwig looked at the now transpaerent lady and asked " may i take the honer of watching over your daughter?" The lady nodded saying " well im getting to old for this job so yes you may take my job to watch over her. (y/n) mother started disappering and raiseing to the sky to rest in peace for the rest of internety . The german was now alone with the (y/a) year old girl . she was still sitting by his worn down tomb stone . He got up and walked over and put his transarent hand on her shoulder and smiled , murmuring "stay strong little soldier " . The girl smiled and walked back the way she came . Singing one of her favorites little soldier . Hoping for a better tomorrow.

auther's note~ ciao readers I wrote this with the song little soldiers by renee (at the top) I was listening to this song and I got the Inspiration for this ,and the fact that I wanted to write something with a WWII theme ,but anyways that's all I wanted to say ciao
P.s. I would love to hear from u guys and what u think

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