Chapter Five.

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He has been ignoring me this whole week. He doesn't bother keeping a conversation going when I ask him questions about his life or hobbies. "I have to review some reports" or "I need to prepare for tomorrow's meeting" are usually the excuses he throws my way. He always sends me away; across the company or to the first floor in order for me not to be close to him. When going back to Escala, the car is filled with silence. He always sits as far away as he can, looking straight ahead; his face emotionless and his hands in tight fists.

I have a feeling that the reason why he has been giving me the cold shoulder has to do with the way I responded to what he had said a week ago, on the day I fell into his office and bruised my left wrist; "Don't be silly. How could I ever be yours?" Goodness! Someone slap me! What a stupid reply. I regretted those words the second they left my mouth. I had panicked, could he blame me? No man has ever said something to me like he had, in such a sweet, sensual voice. I blame the models I had to grown up admiring. All of them would say something along those lines, making the wealthy man to go wild and work even harder for their attention.

But, Christian isn't like those men.

"Miss. Boyer."

The sweet voice of Christian snaps me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" I say, standing up from my seat. Christian had ordered a desk to be placed in the right corner of the room, parallel to his desk, facing the large windows that overlooked Seattle. Whenever I had nothing to do, I would daydream while overlooking the great view that was placed before me.

"Can you make thirty copies of these and then look over this report? Correct anything you don't agree with, make changes if you have to. I want it perfected by Monday." He orders, holding out the papers, not making eye contact with me.

Licking my lips, I scurry to his side and get the papers from his hand. I inhale a large breath as our fingers barely embrace one another, the queasy feeling in my stomach returning. I felt my cheeks become crimson like the dress I was wearing today. Christian quickly moves his hand, his fingers clenching once again.

"Be back in ten, understood?" I only nod, not daring to say anything and run out of the office toward the room where the dragon machine is held.

"Please, don't give me easy work," I mutter under my breath as I shove a spoonful of Lasagna into my mouth. It was 2pm and I was still stuck on the report Christian had given me to correct in the morning. I didn't even understand the thing! I could ask Christian for help but I highly doubt he would be willing to help me. I think he would rather not even be close to me at all or even speak to me.

Oh, Christian! There is something about you that attracts me even more! But you have this dangerous vibe that you let me see a few times that makes me want to run as far away from you as possible and hide under the covers, but I wonder if I will be able to run away when you show me who you truly are. Will I stay with you like you asked me the first day?

I frown, what the heck was that? Where did all those thoughts even come from? I've hardly known the man for a week! How was it possible that he has already crawled under my skin in such a short period of time?

"Hello, Kitten. We meet again," Purrs a deep soft voice behind my ear. I smell the minty breath that let's me know who it is. Turning around, the bold man from a week ago smiles cheekily at me.

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