「chapter 04」

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the girls looked equally as confused as you were, and for a good reason.

"sorry i didn't talk to you about it," said yunho, making his way in between his members and the CEO, "i know how much you've been through in the past two year, how much all of you have been through, and i wanted to surprise you!"

yunho was always like this, always thinking of others before himself. He didn't think of how much trouble and rumors would go around if we trained at KQ, but he didn't care, all he wanted was for you to be happy, which he has never failed at doing.

"you do know all the possible rumors that may spread given the background of our previous company, right?" you said.

if you were going to train here, they had to know everything that may occur because of us. there's no doubt that rumors will spread and the backlash they will revive

"yes we are aware of that and we are planning to do everything we possibly can to help you all, but your trust in us and hopefully everything will work out." said Mr. Kim

he seemed certain and aware and you actually really wanted to start training again, especially now that you have the opportunity to stay close with your brother!

"what do you guys think? are you guys ready to start training again?" you wanted to make sure that all of you were comfortable with the idea of training again before you agreed.

all of them seemed certain except seo-ah, who has been quiet ever since we got here, "i think we need to think about it, this is a big decision" she said

"yeah, seo-ah is right, we can't make a decision this big thoughtlessly"

"of course we never expected you to, you can come back next week to audition if your interested, i'm here all the time so come by any time your free." said Mr.Kim

mingi, and jongho followed us out after yunho offered to help us find our way back.

after we left the building, Ji Hye and Hee Young starting talking with San and Jongho while the other left, leaving me and Yunho alone

"So... Ji Hye, Hee Young, San, and Jongho seem to be hitting it off,"

"yea..." you let out a slight chuckle, "sorry again, for not telling you about this whole thing, i j-"

"don't be sorry, if i'm being completely honest," you stopped walked and turned to face Yunho "i really really want to go back to training, but i need all of us to agree! We've been together for over 3 years! i can't force seo-ah to train when she's not sure whether she's ready for that or not, but i'm really thankful that you, once again, put someone else above yourself. You've always been like this, you've always been selfless, you cared about others well- being more than your own, which can backfire most of the time but you always manage to look on the bright side. You really are amazing"

it was true Yunho has always been the person that takes care of others, you could name 10 diffrent situations right now, where he put others above himself.

Yunho was an amazing brother and you loved him! When you were both young, you would always play hide-and-go-seek. You both knew he was faster but he would always make you win by "tripping" on a rock, you remember him making up silly excuses just so that your the one who wins.

But out of all the moments he's been selfless, one moment stood out from the other. You were 10 at the time and you and Yunho had had your first fight, over who got the last ice cream, it was a silly one but you were really upset! You were waking back home one day, you've been giving Yunho the silent treatment for a day and a half, on the way back Yunho kept trying to apologize, even though he had no reason to, but you kept ignoring him, "Come on Hyun Joo-ah!" he had been trying to talk to you all day. Trying to get away from him, you ran to the other side of the rode.

What you didn't notice was the bike come that way, the ride was narrow so there wasn't really enough space for a car to go by, and the person riding the bike was going fast, too fast to stop without injuring someone. it felt like everything was goi my in slow motion at the moment, you were moving, yet you didn't feel like time was.

That is until you we're pushed and landed on the sidewalk, before you even realized it time went back to normal, the biker noticed the people standing on the rode used his feet and the brakes to stop the bike, Yunho pushing you aside, the bike slipping and landing on top of yunho's arm. and just like that time went back to slow motion, Yunho screaming in pain, his knees scraped and his cheeks scratching, his swelling arm forming underneath the bike as the biker tries to get up, while he is injured, and pick up the bike.

time kept moving slowly and by the time i knew it we were already at the hospital. my mom pacing around the hallway and my dad trying to calm her down. relief washed over you when the doctor said it was only a broken arm. you were terrified that Yunho would hate you after this, you would hate yourself too.

you hadn't said anything to Yunho the whole way back, terrified of the worlds that would leave his mouth.

you had all gotten home and you were out in the backyard sitting on the swing set, "hey," you heard Yunho say behind you, you stood up from the swing, facing him but eyes on the ground, "hi..." you've never seen Yunho angry and you don't ever want to, "are you hurt?" the question shocked you, that was the last thing you thought he would say.

"not really, if not for you," eyes still fixed on the ground, "that bruise on your knee says otherwise," he was right, you were so focused on what Yunho would say that you didn't even realize the bruise on you knee, "it's nothing, how's your arm..."

"i mean i'm pretty sure you can tell," he said a chuckle escaping his mouth as he finished his sentence, "i-i'm sorry..." your eyes finally lifted off the ground and looked at Yunho with guilty-filled eyes, "this is my fault! i shouldn't been the one who got-"
"stop" he suddenly became serious, "don't say that, i wouldn't preferred it if none of us got hit, but i'm glad that at least you didn't get hit." he said placing his hand, the one that wasn't broken, on my shoulder, reassuring me that he's fine.

that was and forever will be the time i understood how lucky i am to have a brother like Yunho.

Present Time

"you really are amazing..." you said leaning into yunho for a hug, "what's all this now?" he said a soft smile painted on his face, giving you a hug back, "nothing... i just really respect you, i wish more
people were like you," an image of Kim Sang Hoon appearing in your head, making a tear form on the corner of your eyes

the tear turned into laughter when you saw San, Jongho, Ji Hye, and Hee Young

they were all piled up on each other behind a lamp post looking at both of you and by the looks of it they probably overheard the conversation

"i wish my brother wasn't an asshole." you heard Ji Hye say. you let out a chuckle at the statement

Ji hye and Hee Young both walked over to me when Yunho left to talk with San and Jongho, "So... can we train here? your the closest to seo-ah can you talk to her?" Hee Young has always been passionate about dancing and since now she has an opportunity she wants to take it! judging by the look on Ji Hye's face, she clearly wanted the same thing. "sure," you let out a chuckle, they may be the older than you but you like being there for them, especially Hee Young, she's always taking care of others, it's nice to take care of her for a change.

A/N: heyyyy!! i'm back from the dead ngl i was thinking of deleting this but i decided that i'll finish this one and one my vacation i'll make more! if u have any feedback please tell me!

stream DON'T STOP!!! byeee <333

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