Second smut (female reader)

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Ignore if i have any spelling mistakes im too lazy to do some detailed check LMFAO also sorry for the wait i was super busy with other things!!!


"Okay but remember the time when you pulled down Mr. Smith's pants because you thought he was me?" Michael laughed as you cringed at the memory. "Stop! Do not remind me! It was so embarrassing!!" You said as you jokingly hit him. "What about the time where you came to school drunk and puked in the cafeteria trash can?" You reminded him as he laughed.

Both Michael and you were out on a date, laying on the grass of some not so remote hill, stargazing together. It was a warm night, and a perfect one for this kind of date considering it was a clear sky. Both of you prefered places with less people around you, so you've been doing this often since both of you have neen dating for 7 years now.

"Hey do you remember Derek?" Michael said as you sat up with your face shocked. "Holy shit! Derek! I loved that bitch so much, he always had clean recordings of any songs!" You said as Michael laughed at you. "Exactly, I copied all of my cassettes from that guy. I wonder how he's doing now." He said as you chuckled to yourself. "God, I remember when he got suspended for selling porn magazines on school grounds." You both laughed as he sat up as well.

"C'mon y/n, we've been here stargazing for four hours now! We should head back home." He said as he got up and you nodded while shivering a bit. "Yeah, it's getting cold as well." You said as Michael gave you his hand to help you up. Hearing that, he took off his black leather jacket and handed it to you, leaving him only in his blue jeans and a white t-shirt. "Loser makes food for the whole day tomorrow!" You yelled as you started running back towards Michael's car. You heard him laughing as je started running towards the car as well.

As you wetr about one meter away from the car, you felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist, picking you up as you yelped and groaned. "Not fair! You had a head start!" You hear Michael say from behind. "Whatever! I got here first anyways! Make some pasta and fry chicken for tomorrow, now let me go!!" You said as you tried to yank your way from his grip, to which it only tightened as Michael laughed at your failed attempts.

"I will do the cooking, but how about you tell me you love me first, and then I'll let you go, okay?" he said with a smirk as you let out a loud groan to make sure he hears it clearly. "Okay, fine, oh dear Michael, I love you dearest, for you occupy my whole heart! See? Super poetic, now let me go!" You said as he laughed and let you go.

You both got into the car and turned on the radio as Michael started the engine. 'Sweet Child O' Mine' by Guns 'N' Roses started playing as you both drove away to go back home. Considering that the drive home was filled with you two singing your hearts away, joking and laughing, the drive came to an end pretty quickly. With your arms wrapped around his waist and head on bis shoulder, he unlocked the apartment door and took your hand to lead you in.

After closing the door behind you two with your hand still in his, he pushed you gently against the wall, wraping his arms around your waist as you wrapped yours around his neck. You were both giggling with your faces close to each other, only your noses touching. "God I'm so happy. I love you so much y/n." Michael said as you smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. You knew how hard his life was, with all the bullshit about William's business and what not. Michael rarely ever smiled or was happy, and sharing these moments felt like heaven for you. You really only wanted him to be happy, no matter what.

Pulling away from the kiss, you gently pushed him away which left him with a puzzled look. You gave him a small laugh and grabbed his hand and ran to the bedroom, with him going behind you. He realized what was going on, causing a smirk to grow on his face. "Your work is pretty tiring, right?" You asked to which he confirmed with a hum. You sat hin down on the bad and sat on his lap. "Would you like me to help you relax a bit?" You asked as he grew a huge grin on his face. "How can I deny such an offer? I'm all yours beautiful." He said as you kissed him to hide the blush on your face.

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