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"Golden..?" Hollyberry sighed while tears were falling from her pink eyes, "Dont call me that anymore.." Golden cheese snapped at Hollyberry. "W-Wait! I never said anything about her!" Hollyberry cried. "Yeah as If she'd lie to me.." Golden cheese got interrupted by the Professor "Thats enough you two! Or else you both will go to the office, now go to your seats." The Professor yelled at the two.

(Timeskip) After the school day was over Hollyberry went to her dorm and layed in bed, while Golden cheese went to go hang out with Lemon crisp and the others. "So did you talk to her..?" Lemon crisp sighed. "Dont worry, I did talk to her, but I feel like I went to far.." Golden cheese replied. "What are you two talking about?" Dark cacao turned to Golden cheese, then glared at Lemon crisp. "O-Oh.. well Hollyberry was kinda rude to me during 7th period.." Lemon crisp tried to hide the tears in her voice, "Thats hard to believe.."  Dark cacao thought to himself while. "What do you mean Hollyberry was rude to you??" Pure vanilla questioned Lemon crisp immediately feeling suspicious of her. "O-Oh well she said a ton of stuff to the cookies in that class.." Lemon crisp began to break out into fake tears. Golden cheese of course hugged her and tried to comfort her, "Its okay! I'm not friends with Hollyberry anymore." Golden cheese sighed. "O-Oh you didn't have too.." Lemon crisp forced her voice to sound all sad, while really she just wanted to laugh. "Don't worry the next time she tried to hurt you we'll be there, right guys?" Golden cheese muttered as she turned to the others. "Right.." Dark cacao mumbled, "Mhm! Dont you worry-!" Pure vanilla forced himself to act all happy. "Thanks guys.." Lemon crisp frowned while hiding her smirk. "Y'know what I'm just gonna go- I have homework I gotta work on.." White lily smiled and left.

Once White lily found her dorm which happened to be near Hollyberry's, she decided to knock "Hey? You okay..?" White lily tried to open the door which was locked. Hollyberry got up and opened the door, and the door creaked a bit. White lily was shocked with how bad Hollyberry looked, "H-Hollyberry.. Have you been crying??" White lily questioned as she went to give Hollyberry a hug. Hollyberry rubbed her eyes and broke out into tears while hugging White lily back, White lily walked into Hollyberry's dorm and sat on Hollyberry's bed "Do you wanna talk about it..?" White lily smiled. Hollyberry wiped the tears away "N-Not really.." Hollyberry sighed. "That's fine- but whatever happened dont let it effect you.." White lily sighed as she grabbed a few tissues and gave them to Hollyberry. "Well I'm gonna go now.. promise me you'll be okay?" White lily smiled, "I'll try.." Hollyberry sighed.

A few days passed after that day, and Hollyberry hasn't came to school for a while. The others (As in Dark cacao, Pure vanilla, and White lily) started to get worried. "Should we check on Hollyberry after school?" Pure vanilla was talking to Dark cacao and White lily, while Lemon crisp and Golden cheese were getting lunch. "We probably should.." Dark cacao sighed, "Yeah I agree.." White lily said in a worried tone. "Should we bring her anything? Like her favorite food, or maybe some cooked Jellies?" Pure vanilla said trying to bring the mood up, "How about some flowers!" White lily smiled. "Guys Lemon crisp and Golden are coming back, should we tell them?" Dark cacao muttered. "Yeah let's give it a try.." Pure vanilla sighed.

(I hope you guys enjoyed this long chapter! Now I know you probably have some questions- "Is Hollyberry okay?" "Is Lemon crisp gonna finally get karma?" "Will Golden cheese stop siding with Lemon crisp?" "Will the other ancients tell Golden cheese what really happened?" Well save your questions for the next few chapters, because things are about to get crazy.)

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