12:19 amwas that good enough?
i tried to stall as much as
i couldyou were absolutely
brilliant gin!! you just kept
going and going, i did not
expect that from you.rude, but alright
anyhow, i have no idea how
long we could keep this least we tried..?
no, there has to be more
ways than just that. i'll think
of more ideas we can use in the
future. but for now, we just have
to pretend.pretend to what?
pretend to help her, of course
alara malfoy plan 2.0
12:27 ampantsny
what is the plan?ginny potter<333
so you were accusing
us of not going to discuss
the plan
BUT WE DON'T HAVE ONE??hermiyoknee
however, is it necessary
to conjure up a plan?pantsny
OF COURSE IT ISginny potter<333
but is it pans?
is it?hermiyoknee
years ago, it took us a
while to successfully complete
our so called "plan."pantsny
it got both alara and draco together xginny potter<333
after an entire YEARhermiyoknee
apologies, pansy. but we can't
go forth with this plan, if there
is one.pantsny
this is so unlike you mione
and you too gin 🤨🤨🤨ginny potter<333
no idea what you're talking
about, parkinsonhermiyoknee
i see someone has rubbed off
on my commas.pantsny
you didn't invent commas mione 🥰ginny potter<333
it appears we have broken thy pansy,
was that good mione 😍😍hermiyoknee
ginerva! the audacity you have.pantsny
i see someone has decided to
switch sides 😶ginny potter<333
sorry pans
still not
just wanted an excuse to make fun
of granger here xhermiyoknee
you are exactly like malfoy >:(pantsny
did the hermione granger, just typed
A FACE??!?+:%ginny potter<333
she may have 😧😧😧hermiyoknee
ginerva, fuck off ☺️
why don't both of you
HELP MEginny potter<333
we've already stated in the
past, pansy. we can't come
up with one that quickly.pantsny
alright then
if that's how you want it