men are unfortunate in that department

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When I was a child, before my initiation into womanhood was realized, I was an emotional and passionate clown. I felt so deeply for a great many things and had excitement in learning. When my curiosity was unmatched, so was my determination to uncover secrets.

Over the years, as my body has followed its natural cycle of building up and shedding, I became insensitive and unfeeling. Many of the hobbies and good habits I had slowly melted away, leaving little substance in my character. But I discovered an interesting and perhaps truthful idea which my mother only supported--without hearing me say it first.

"Maybe this is your chance to go through some good therapy. Sometimes our periods act as a relieve-all to pent-up emotions and traumas that we tend to bottle up and stuff down. Periods rise all those things to the surface so that we might settle them."

Being a woman with a cycle is not a curse, but an advantage. When my hormones intensify and bulk up, so do the sensitive emotions within me that I've taught myself to conceal. We can pretend to be fine and carry on as such to avoid unnecessary attention. But eventually, it must come up and out. Those hormones are an advantageous tool! You can only truly understand this idea once you've encountered a few things. Being unable to feel music, movies, books, even people and their words. 

I realized yesterday that my dad interrupts me still when I struggle to speak. I thought the phase had passed with my growing age, but nope... And I'm going to break it to him soon. Please don't interrupt me, it's not nice and it makes me feel unheard and as if you don't care about what i have to say. I care about what you have to say, but I begin to care less once you value your own word so much that you ignore others. My words shouldn't go over your head no matter how stressed or angry from work you are. That goes for me too...

Why do you think I have such bad social skills. 

Returning back to my initial thought, it seems that vaginas give women a heightened experience in emotional life. Colors become brighter and songs deeper, and we have a built-in therapy system. Dick's give men anal-thinking--which can be beneficial to a certain degree--low standards, foggy judgment, an inclination to commit sexual crimes, and a torturously high sexual drive. But they are a little stronger in the mental department and often time handle serious situations in a calm manner. But in times where these men lack the analytical and logical thought process in sexual assault situations, for example, they tend to sell their souls to the devil. I think it's important that our sons be taught to invest in the pure side of their humanity.

Not all men are like this, not all women are like this. In between the good examples are the terrible ones. Shitty people. Not just shitty men and not just shitty women, but shitty people.

To conclude this ... thing... No one gives a fuck about what i have to say and that's ok dsflkjsdlkfjsdkfjsdjf

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