Chapter Twenty Eight

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Twenty Eight: The Win

Lights of green and gold gleamed around her as she walked through the room. Cheers of happiness was so loud that her ears were starting to pain but she did not care. A smile was eternally plastered on her face as she walked arms linked with her husband. He too had a grin on his face and his emerald eyes twinkled in pride at her. The news reporters tried desperately to corner them but the aurors on duty warded them off.

Why was all this happening?

Ginny had won her team their first match! Her debut match was one of victory and everyone wished to speak with her as very little was known of her besides the fact that she was 'The-Boy-who-lived's' wife. As much as Ginny would have loved to meet new people, she was tired. She was extremely tired though the smile of achievement did not leave her face.

Winning a professional quidditch match was surely hard and given the training that they did all these weeks absolutely wore her out but there she was, clutching Harry so as to not fall down and make a mess of herself.

"I think we should get back to the hotel. You look very exhausted, love," Harry said. Truthfully, Ginny could not hear anything. She stared at him blankly. He scratched his neck as he realized the reason for that stare. "HOTEL!" He shouted in her ear, causing her to wince. Several heads turned, thinking that the couple were fighting over something. To prove them otherwise, Harry kissed her cheek. Ginny chuckled and nodded.

"Whatcha you all looking at?!" Ron shouted as he made his way towards them. "Got any problem?" He asked the crowd who were looking at them.

"Miss Weasley, how did you win your debut match?" A reporter asked.

"Oi! Didn't get a ticket to the match eh?" Ron answered as Ginny tried not to laugh out loud.

"How does it feel to be in the spotlight for the first time?" Another reporter asked, obviously oblivious to Ron's presence.

"I do not think this is the first time I was in the spotlight. I don't like it when it's on me, so hey, bartender, please turn that light off! I don't want it on me nor on my wife!" Harry answered instead of her, waving to a man behind the counter who looked startled as several heads turned his way.

"Wife? Mr Potter, are you mistaken? Perhaps, drunk?" another reporter, this time a lady who was quite scantily dressed, asked. Ginny frowned as she clutched Harry's arm more tightly.

"Thank you! I'm insane, yes but definitely not drunk. Besides, why would I lie about having such a famous and beautiful quidditch star for a wife?" Harry said and Ginny's teammates laughed. "Come on, my lady. Please let us alone lest you want a hex from The Chosen One."

"Yeah, and his best mate!" Ron piped up, glaring at the cowering reporters. Several backed away but a few remained adamant. Ron, as the head auror, commanded the aurors to get them to back off. After thirty minutes of struggle, Ginny, Harry and Ron finally reached the lobby of the muggle hotel in which they were staying. Ginny and Ron's family were waiting there and when they saw her, Hermione pounced on her, hugging her furiously. When she broke away, Ginny was hugged by her mum, then dad then all of her brothers including Ron who had not got a chance to congratulate her earlier. After exchanging gratitude, Harry and Ginny resorted to their suit.

Their suit was pretty enormous. It had a sitting room, two bathrooms, two bedrooms and a study. The study was off to the left where it housed a huge white table and a shelf filled with guide books of the country. The sitting room was magnificent, complete with a velvet sofa set, a TV and a magnificent looking glass chandelier. The two bathrooms each had huge bathtubs to fit two along with an assortment of various bubble flavours. One of the bedroom was bigger than the other. The smaller one had more of a delicate touch to it. The bigger one was where Harry and Ginny slept.

It had a nice king sized bed with fluffy blankets and soft pillows. Off to the side sat a white dressing table with mirror and a small chair. On either sides of the bed were night tables. Yellow lamps projecting a small aura of light were placed on them. A velvet sofa set with a couch were sitting in the room as well. One of the two bathrooms was attached to the room. It was super luxurious. Ginny would daresay more luxurious than her master bedroom at The Potter Manor. She had not booked this suit, in fact it had been Gwenog Jones herself who had done all the bookings for the team's players and their family members.

Ginny had been so insistent on bringing her whole family along to watch her debut match that everyone had to take a week off from their respective jobs to sit down and watch her play. The result of this demand proved to be fruitful thanks to Ginny's victory against Tutshil Tornadoes. It was a tough match, sure but the chasers had perfect coordination and the combined skills of the sharp eyed seeker and the lofty beaters defended the goals and helped to score. Even the keeper did pretty well though not much goals even reached the ten feet range of the Harpies goals.

"Love, you look exhausted. A knut for your thoughts?" Harry asked, breaking her out of her stupor. Ginny smiled in return.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how perfect my life became apparently," she said as she walked over to him. He placed his arms around her midriff, pulling her even closer to him.

"I wish I could have given you this earlier."

"Well you gave me that now," she replied. He chuckled in return and leaned in. She met his lips halfway through and everything was forgotten for the whole night.

A light hearted chapter. In fact, I have no idea what I am writing. . .

So one more chapter and an epilogue to go. I am really thankful for your support!Please do vote on my voting poll in my graphic portfolio by name 'Kalopsia'. I have received three votes so far and all of them support both of the ideas. So, it seems to be quite the poll. Please help solve our confusion!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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