The Tournament of goddesses

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You are the general of an army competing in the "tournament of gods", you pledge your allegiance to the Supreme leader Fayris, a giant goddess who is constantly teasing you. She wants to win the tournament very badly and you and your army will make her win.

Fayris' army is formed by humans who wants to support her dispotic reign, she is a fierce ruler and her status of goddess makes you all blush. You approach the goddess by walking on a ivory plank in her ivory palace, below you there is nothing, as above, you can just see the colossal sitting figure of Fayris in front of you, she is masturbating right now so you will have to wait for her to finish.

"*coff* *coff*" You say to her in an attempt to calm your nerves, but it doesn't work.

"Oh dear me! Are you serious? If you keep appearing without warning I will start to think you like to watch me, general!" The Goddess says annoyed by your sudden appearance.

You say "Supreme goddess Fayris, I would die just to be able to watch you for a second more. However I have come to inform you that the army is formed, how would you like to name it?"

"You may name it whatever you wish, my dear general, I trust you have thought of something" Fayris grins. Nervously, you ask her the question: "How would Eternal Dominion sound, supreme goddess?" "Eternal Dominion..." Fayris repeats the words, then frowns "if we loose the tournament I will be mocked by the other gods and goddesses for the rest of eternity, do you realize that, general?"

You say "I promise you will win all the battles and you will have your eternal dominion over everything"

"I would count on it, I am risking to remain writen into the books of history as an eternal loser!".

You try to convince her once again: "Michael Jordan did not start as a winner either, supreme goddess, he had to do a lot of things first before becoming a winner" "shush, even if you are right I don't want to hear such things right now!" she says starting to touch herself again and massaging her breast with her free hand. You decide that silence is the best option and wait patiently until the goddess has done pleasuring herself, after all you do not want her to discover how aroused you actually are while standing in front of her.

Suddenly she says "what do you think of me, general? Since you are my champion in the tournament I consider you, a bit better than how I consider everyone else... So don't be shy, what do the people say about me and my methods of ruling?" she asks continuing to gently rubbing her naked pussy.

You say "The people think you are a really good ruler, I personally think your dream will work better if the entire galaxy is under your command but it's a fact that you have improved all the sectors of the galaxy under your rule. "

"Only improved?" Fayris pouts upon hearing your answer "there is much more, what about my contribution to the history of this galaxy? my extensive use of propaganda or what I did to Gorgrog's castle with only a bit of symbolism...?" she says as if those things were really important to the history of the universe.

You say "Some may object that you are too cruel with enemies"

"Those who do not like my ways are enemies and traitors!

You quickly drop to your knees and say "of course Fayr...supreme goddess, but I was merely saying that you might encounter resistance in the future".

"Good" Fayris stands and slowly approaches you with her giant, uncovered, and probably oozing hole towering right in front of you "Continue" she whispers, You take one step back and search for a diplomatic answer, after all she is an all-powerful being.

Tournament of GoddessesWhere stories live. Discover now