Part 1 | Floaty

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Quick A/n:
This story is set long before New York, Loki is still young like in the first Thor Movie. He is unaware that he is Jotun


"Hi Tony, sorry I'm late the traffic was shit out there" you said as you entered the room.

The Avengers all looked up from where they were sitting in the living room.

"Nope" you said simply, going a bit pale. You backed out the room and shut the door.

They chuckled as Tony stood up and opened the door again.

"Avengers, please meet our possible new member Y/n" he said, smiling at you encouragingly.

You gave them a small wave as you entered the room. There was a chorus of hellos.

"How would a twelve year old be of any help?" Sharon scoffed.

"Last time I checked you were just a girlfriend, not a team member" you quipped. "And for your information I'm sixteen."

She just rolled her eyes.

"Brother she is around the same age as you" Thor said to a young man sitting beside him.

"In Midgardian years, yes" the young man answered in a quiet voice.

"Y/n this Loki Odinson, Prince of Asgard, God of Mischief" Thor said, gesturing to Loki. "And my brother."

"Hello" you said nervously.

"Hello" he answered, looking slightly amused.

"So why do we have another kid on our team?" Steve asked, sound slightly exasperated.

"I'm not a kid" you grumbled.

"Well so far we have two one thousand year old gods, two one hundred year old men and the rest are all adults except for Peter. Sorry kid" Tony said sympathetically, patting your shoulder. He lead you over to the couch where you sat down beside Wanda who smiled kindly at you.

"Now, do you want to explain why you're trialling?" Tony said to you.

"I was was mixed up in a Hydra accident a few years ago and now I have telekinesis" you said simply.

"How did you end up with Hydra?" Bucky asked.

"I was kidnapped on my way back to the orphanage from school when I was eleven. I escaped when I was thirteen and have spent the past three years training in self defence" you finished.

"I'm so sorry that happened sweetie" Wanda said, putting hand on your arm.

"Don't be, I can do this now" you replied, waving your hand. Tony started to slowly float upwards. He shouted and started waving his arms about as the team laughed.

"Y/n you will be kicked off your trial" he threatened. You put your hand back down and he fell back into his armchair with a thud.

"Right, so I figured she might be useful" Tony said, looking a bit stunned.

"If you don't mind asking, what do you do Loki?" You asked, watching as he twirled a dagger in his slender hands.

"Lots" he said simply.

"Such as?"

In a shimmer of green he disappeared. A second later you heard him whisper in your ear "Teleportation", his cool breath tickling the back of your neck.

You spun around to see that he wasn't there. When you turned back he was sitting where he was before, his legs crossed and his hands folded neatly in his lap.

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