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athena sat quietly watching the vampires and wolves "train". they were showing off their powers and trying to see if bella was able to use her shield to protect the people around her. she let out a snort as she watched edward get electrocuted and fall to the ground as bella struggled to use her shield. the newborn turned to her with an angry looked on her face.

"can i help you?" spat bella. athena said nothing, and raised an eyebrow. "well?" goaded bella again and she heard esme let out a small gasp. rosalie's temper was legendary, but her's was one that could start wars.

"bella, don't," said the matriarch and bella rolled her eyes and turned to look at athena again.

"or what? all she's done is sit there for the past 2 days doing nothing. why is she even here?" questioned bella and literally everyone took a step back but the wolves. they looked on in confusion at the sudden fear that all the vampires were emitting. athena got up slowly and suddenly sped in front of bella.

"who exactly do you think you are, newbie?" athena's voice came out low and dangerous and seemed to slice to the air. "because you can't even use your pathetic power. i could rip it out of you without even so much as a second thought and there's nothing you can do about it,"she said.

to prove her point, athena lifted the butt of her hand and hit it flat against bella's chest. this wasn't necessary of course, as a simple look could allow athena to snatch someone's abilities from them, but she had been itching to get her hands on the brunette vampire. bella flew back into a tree a feew yards away and hit the ground with a thud. she gasped, clawing at her throat as she suddenly felt hollow, and empty on the inside.

"feel that? that's your venom, slowly eating you from the inside because i took your vampirism from you. and this neat little power," she said and slowly started twirling her hand until a pink-purple ball started to float above her palm. she let it go to the area around her and everyone in the clearing was suddenly protected by the shield that bella was unable to project. the newest cullen stopped gasping as she was also protected from athena abilities and grew angry. she sped over to athena and attempted to attack her but a with a simple flick of her arm, athena had bella's neck in a hold. bella hung in the air and struggled as cracks began to form.

"let's get one thing straight, idiot. i am older than nearly every single vampire on this planet and i am more powerful than any vampire who will ever walk this earth, " she released the vampire and let the shield down. bella scurried back away from her. "and i will always protect my family. because that's what they are. my family. i didn't know that i would have to protect them from your stupidity as well," she sent a glare in edward's direction and turned to kate.

"add a little extra shock next time and maybe she'll start realising the gravity of the situation she has put us all in," said athena. she walked away and rolled her eyes at the presence of the vampire behind her.

"go away eleazar," she said but her just chuckled.

"you haven't changed one bit, sister." he said and stepped next to her as she stood at the edge of the cullen residence. "you shouldn't be so hard on the little vampire. she isn't the one responsible for any of this," he said and nudged her shoulder. athena sighed.

"i know. it's all his fault, as per usual. but he needs to teach his little pet some manners. it's not very ladylike to attack people," sais athena as she kicked a stone. it hit one of the bulletproof windows of the house and eleazar flinched as it still cracked. he forgot how strong athena was somtimes.

"this may be true, but you need to be mindful of your actions athena." he said, "the goal here is to prevent as many casualties as possible- not create more."

"always the diplomat, little brother," she said and turned towards him. "are you sure i can't just kill the little brat though?" eleazar snorted and pulled the vampire into his side, pressing a chaste kiss to her head.

"no. you can not." he let go of her and gently pulled her back with him. "now come, you can watch bella embaress herself again."

the first cullen // e.m.cullenWhere stories live. Discover now