Author's Note

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Wow, it's the ONC. I didn't think I would participate, but here I am, bringing y'all something I hope y'all enjoy.

My novella is based off of Prompt 33: And I pressed my cheek against the asphalt and prayed the dead bodies would cover my scent.

With the additional of Prompt 5: A soldier always has two options when at a crossroads: to follow orders or to abort the mission

This is my first time entering the ONC, and my first time tackling zombies. Look at me getting out of my comfort zone!

Thank you to each and every one of you who decides to give this a try. It means the world to me, and I hope you enjoy it. To anyone else entering the 2022 ONC, good luck!

As stated in the blurb, this novella is marked mature for strong language, blood and gore, and explicit scenes of various types. You've been warned.

Because this story will hold a handful of acronyms, I figured I'd list them here for your reference:

QZ : Quarantine Zone

LZ : Landing Zone

ETA : Estimate Time of Arrival

AWOL : Absent Without Leave

KIA : Killed In Action

MIA : Missing In Action

EGL : Eastern Guard League, also known as Eagles

WLF : Western Liberation Federation, also known as Wolves

Don't be a stranger! Vote and comment as much as you'd like, I love hearing from my readers.

- Leila

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