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A snarl to my left shot a wave of urgency through my being, but the deep growl rumbling from within Soren's chest curtailed it. I watched as he showed his teeth like I'd seen so many revenants do, tilting his head to the left. It wasn't at me he showed aggression toward, but at the infected standing somewhere beside me.

Chancing a glance, I caught sight of the challenger and my heart fluttered. Staring back at me with lustful eyes stood another higher-staged revenant male. Half of his cheek had been ripped out and showed a side of wicked fangs. His blonde hair strung in damp strands and framed his pale face, contrasting with the bold black veins climbing across his skin.

The tattered fatigues stretched tautly across his broad chest and rigid limbs caught my attention. My heart wrenched in my chest. The revenant had been an Eagle, my brother in arms, but now he was inhuman and thirsty for more than just my blood.

Soren turned, his arm snaking back and keeping me close to him as he faced the revenant head on. Every muscle on him tensed and he stood tall, teeth still bared like an angry alpha wolf.

The challenger glanced from me to Soren, his face contorting into a beastly grin. He took a step forward only to be driven back by a threatening snarl from Soren, but he didn't go far.

As the revenant began to pace and circle us as much as he could, I reached for the pistol strapped to my thigh. Nothing about this screamed a good ending and I craved the comfort the cold touch of a gun brought. Lifting the sidearm from its resting place, I slipped my arm up against Soren's hip. If things got ugly, I wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet anywhere I could in the ugly motherfucker holding us up.

The revenant ceased his frenzied stalking, leaping forward and grabbing Soren with clawed hands. He snapped at Soren's throat and pulled him into a deathly embrace, jerking Soren away from me as the two began a grapple for dominance.

I brought the gun up, wrapping my other hand around the grip as I kept a steady aim on the head of the revenant. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that Soren could do this alone, but the primal sounds of aggression and the flash of fangs mixed with the snap of jaws kept me on my toes just in case.

The duo pushed against each other, their arms grabbing at their opponent's shoulders as they growled and snarled like a bunch of rabid wolves. For every step the revenant took forward, he took two steps back as Soren slowly gained the upper hand.

My breath caught in my lungs as Soren's eyes made contact with mine. The wild racing through the bright yellow tones of his irises spread a chill up my spine. Right then, he was more than Soren, and it scared me.

Too late Soren realized his mistake in looking at me, and the bigger revenant forced him back against the wall. He lunged forward at Soren's throat with a howl of victory only for it to come out in a mangled cry of pain as Soren kneed him in the groin.

Soren lost no time wrapping his hands around the infected's throat, lifting him into the air and slamming him against the wall. He held the challenger up there as if he weighed nothing, a powerful roar leaving his lips and making the revenant squirm. Seconds later, he dropped the opposing male with a final growl of warning.

As the loser sulked away with one last glance at me, Soren lifted his chin. "Challenge me again, bitch."

A relieved laugh escaped my lips although I tried to hold it back. I shook my head and wiped away the drizzle of rain from my forehead, sliding the pistol back into its holster. "I— Well, I can't say I've ever seen someone kick a revenant in the balls."

"Figured it was universal for men regardless of the species," Soren stated after a few moments, a slight shrug touching his shoulders. The animalistic side of him had mostly eased, but the darkness set his eyes aglow with the color of the revenant's. He looked at me with concern. "Are you okay?"

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