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They scampered through the woods, and over fences. At one point they heard dogs barking so they ran faster but Dakota tripped and fell on a rock.
"Dawn wait, ow, ow,"
"Ok well we have to find somewhere to hide quick," I said, "Come on follow me there's an old abandon ware house across the street"
We ran across the street and I picked up a rock and smashed the window. I then picked up Dakota and pushed her through the window, and climbed through. I looked around for anything to tie around her leg to stop the blood. Then all of a sudden I spotted a body. A body that didn't look alive... not at all. I walked closer with real steady breathing. His face looks impaled but I can tell it's just the temperature. He will never be found and my sister is bleeding so I took his shirt off and ran back to my sister and tied it around her leg.
"This reeks of death" she complained.
"Well I did get it off a dead body" I replied.
"Ow, Dawn that hurts, ow the pain is getting worse."
"Ok, hold on I know someone that lives right down the rode I will go get them for help stay here, I'll be right back. I love you don't go anywhere."
I took off running, my....person lives right at this hotel. He works as a bell hop and in return he gets to live there for free. When I arrive I'm panting my lungs are on fire I can barely get out one word.
He understood me and said "Where is she lead me to her."
I nodded and ran off turning my head every couple seconds to make sure he was still there.
When we arrived we went through the widow but my little sister wasn't there. By there I mean alive, she was spread out on the floor no pulse nothing, nothing but a knife in her chest. Who? How? A million questions run through my mind. I look around to see if anyone is near by who could've done this. No one was there. Not even the "dead" guy. He must have killed her. Why would he do that? He had no motive! I can't do anything now it's to late, and now kev knows about it so he must come with me. I'm not sure where we are going but we have to leave and go somewhere far, fast.

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