Book Store Report

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Mirabel impatiently taps her foot as Ms M was talking with the grownups assuring them that the elf from last night would not e returning.

While she waited for her to take her Mirabel played with Antonio who had fun watching her play puppets with his toys.

"Mirabel time to go,"

Mirabel jumps up as Ms M walks into the Nursery and Antonio becomes shy behind her. His tiny toddler hands held onto her skirt and said. "Mira stay," he looks like he was about to start crying. "It's okay Tonito, I'll be back soon. In the meantime you can look after Fuego with Camilo and Luisa," she says.

Antonio became happy again and giggles looking at the Phoenix who caws unhappy with the arrangement, but had resigned itself to not harm the child.

"Come on dear we mustn't be late," she says.

"Coming!" Mirabel follows Ms M outside the room and her family was waiting.

"We'll be back shortly before your dinner you have my word," Ms M explains to them.

"Remember Camilo, make sure you don't feed Fuego more than four spoons or else he'll explode," Mirabel explains. "Got it Prima," he said rolling his eyes.

"We'll be off, goodbye," Ms M said and with a wave of her wand they disappeared away.

Camilo goes upstairs to the nursery and saw his Hermanto shaking Fuego's cage giggling.

"Okay Amigo don't annoy the bird," he said as he picks up some bird food. "How much did she say again? Oh right five," he takes out five pieces of meat and watches as the bird eat them all.

"There, and no explod," he began when suddenly the bird burst into bright flames and leaves a pile of ash behind in his cage.

Antonio instantly starts crying and Camilo is stock still.

"Mierda," he says.

With Ms M and Mirabel

Mirabel stumbles as Ms M transports them inside what looked like a chimney, but it had a open area to walk from.

"Come on dear, we mustn't dawdle," Ms M said guiding Mirabel along and the girl follows obediently.

She loved Diagon Alley, your eyes were never bored as you looked around at all the witches and wizards getting supplies and such.

Their first stop was to the broom store. Mirabel still liked her nimbus broom, but Ms M wanted to get it checked since her Abuela made her use it so much.

While this was happening Mirabel's eyes wandered and she saw a familiar boy staring at a broom.

Excitedly Mirabel ran over and taps his shoulder. They waved her off annoyed and told her to leave them alone without even looking at her. She huffs and says. "Well looks like someone isn't getting a tutor this year," they turned around so fast they almost got whiplash.

"Mirabel! Sorry I just," Mirabel giggles at the stuttering and says. "It's okay Draco I was only teasing," she giggles.

Draco Malfoy, a boy with light blonde hair, pale skin, and green eyes was a classmate of hers from last year and in the rival house of Slytherin. Mirabel tutored him last year and they became friends, though Mirabel was much closer with her other friends in Gryffindor.

"It's good to see you," she says enthusiastically giving Draco a friendly hug. Draco smiles hugging her back. "It's good too see you too. You here to look at the new nimbus two thousand and one? I'm sure if I ask my father he'd be happy to get it for you," Draco said. "No my Abuela made me use my broom all summer for chores and Ms M wants to make sure it's still in good condition," Mirabel explains.

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