Found You In The Woods

404 11 15

Idea formmmmm: Me againnnnnnn

This world is also kind of minecraft with a mix of real life


Tommy POV:

I cry as I run away from the abusive orphanage I've been stuck in for years now. The only thing that was on my mind was panic that they would find me. Then again I remembered that they only used us for cleaning and that's it, I was way too useless to be remembered.

I calm myself down as I walk into the woods. I leaned bedside a large tree and fell alseep, waking up at 5am because of a stupid nightmare of course.

I could feel my stomach growling so I reached for my backpack to take out a single apple I was able to steal from the orphanage. They didn't feed us so it was hard to steal food, that's probably why people call me too thin so often.

After I ate the apple I wander further in the woods, wanting to look for a place that was a bit safer to be since this woods could be very dangerous if you didn't have good armor and weapons on you.

When I finally found a good place I was thinking about the needing full thing I had to have. I knew I couldn't survive without eating so I'll sadly have to rob a store. It sounded kinda pog if you ask me but staying hidden and the chance of getting caught wasn't so poggers.

-Timeskip to Evening brought to you byyyyy: Idk what I'm doing with my life-

My stomach is growling as usually. I kinda had my second thoughts about stealing something from a store but I promised myself that it would be something small only to survive the next day, also for this day if possible.

I get put of my safe place in the woods and walk again for ages, trying to get as far away as I could form that hell of an orphanage making it past 12 when I finally entered another neighborhood.

I gulped as I went into a thrift shop and tried to look as not suspicious I could possibly be. I secretly grabbed a small piece of bread and stuffed it into my pocket before leaving the store. But as soon as I left the store an alarm went off and the shop owner screamed after me as I run away.

Man, that dude was fast since he landed a few kicks and punches on me before I could snuggle out of his grip and run away again, like I didn't have enough bruises already, tsk.

I ran into some random woods and ate the small piece of bread slowly, happy that I finally got some food. I had extra bruises now and my clothes where kinda torn up now and that was pretty shit. I curled up in a small ball next to a tree and fell asleep.

Philza POV

I stood in the kitchen drinking my coffee since It was morning. I decided it would be nice to make a small walk in the woods so I put on my netherite armor and get my weapons just in case.

As I walk trough the woods I could hear a few noises. Just in case I grab my enchanted netherite sword and walk to the place where noice was coming from.

When I saw a blonde child I immediately put my sword away and approached the child slowly. He looked really thin and bruised up. His clothes where also kinds ripped apart and it looked like he was making.. a plan? I wonder for what it is.

As I finally stood near the child I say. "Hello?" In a very soft tone not to scare him. He immediately shot his head to me 'Like a reflex' and aggressively crawled away from me until he could stand up and run. "Hey wait! I'm not gonna hurt you, mate!" I shout but it was too late since he was already gone now.

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