Bumping into a rivalry

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After the whole fiasco of yesterday and the unexpected recruitment of the radio demon. Now it was another normal day in hell with all the bloodshed and war in the city. In the happy hotel now changed to the "hazbin hotel" we see you in the dinning room eating breakfast that was made by niffty herself. Mmm! This dish of yours is very splendid niffty you said finishing eating the dish while wiping the stains from your lips with a napkin "thank you, your highness" niffty said as she picks up your empty plate and was about to leave but you picked her "here a little something for the delicious meal" you kiss her forehead before placing her back down and ruffle her hair as you left leaving niffty alone with blushes on her cheeks before a wide smile begans to form on her face and letting out a giggle of excitement and left to the kitchen with great speed. As you were walking through the hall of the hotel you pass through numerous of painting of your family. There was one with a painting of your mother who was still pregnant with you and charlie, the next one was lilith and lucifer after she gave birth of you and charlie, another painting shows of you and charlie as babies playing in blood from the smaller demons, the other shows you holding a dritten and charlie holding a three headed puppy. And finally in the last painting was you on top of mountain of exterminator angels corpse as you were in your full demon form with one hand hold a crucible sword and the other holding the head of a grand exterminator angel with your wings spread wide open. You stop in front of double doors that it belonging to your sister charlie's office as you let out a sigh and smile opening the doors, as you walked into the room it was nice red velvet room with a few furnitures and books shelves that reach the ceiling and at the back of the wall behind the desk was a royal painting of you and charlie hugging each other with your cheeks touching together smiling and having your one legs rise opposite from each other and the back ground was the grand opening of the happy hotel.

You saw your sister writing something on a paper then put it on top of the stacks of papers and seeing her eyes almost as if she hasn't slept last night. Charlie... You spoke but your sister didn't answer "Charlie... Charlie!... *With no response from your sister you did one final attempt. You pulled out a paper bag and blowing it with air, once filled you walk next to your sister and put the bag close to her ear and then you punch the bag causing it to explode loudly* CHARLIE!" AHHH! Charlie screamed upon hearing the bag exploded which broke her out the trance "huh? What?... Oh hi (y/n)" jeez charlie along you been in your office? You asked oh um... What time is it? "It's already morning" really? *Looks at her clock* oh wow I guess stayed up all night "yeah I can see that... Niffty~! I need a morning coffee please! *Quickly coming into the room niffty comes in with a tray with a cup of coffee on it*" here you go your highness! Niffty said as you take the cup "thank you niffty your such a sweetheart" you replied she smiled before leaving the room quickly. Here *you add something magical into the cup* have a morning coffee you said as charlie took the cup and with one sip her tired eyes look turn to fully awake and energies "oh thank you i really needed this" charlie said taking another sip "so what exactly are you been doing last night?" You asked oh i spend all night make these flyers so that anyone would like to come to the happy hotel *you look at the pile of paper as you picked up one that reads*.

Come Join The


What to expect!

Spacious rooms to decorate however you like!!

Puppy Dog Kisses Therapy every Thursday!!

A large studio where you can sing about your feelings!

You will be rewarded with a bundle of delicious cotton candy everyday you're sin-free!

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